The most comfortable position in our life is the mother’s womb where we play & enjoy the most and everything needed is taken care automatically. But alas, we have to leave this place one day, and then we start creating web/layers of our personality by problem-solving process through our mind to ... Views: 536
‘Had a great day?’
How many times have you thought or said this to you or someone else? A day becomes great by great moments of experience. Experience will depend on the circumstances and your actions. We have limited control over our circumstances but can have full control over actions. Based ... Views: 429
Do you take (or you are loaded with) work which you can not handle under the given work conditions?
What you can do to handle such problem is ‘Learn to Say “NO” and know when you can afford to say so’
Saying ‘NO’ is not all that simple as it sounds.
It is natural that we succumb to ... Views: 492
Do you take (or you are loaded with) work which you can not handle under the given work conditions?
What you can do to handle such problem is ‘Learn to Say “NO” and know when you can afford to say so’
Saying ‘NO’ is not all that simple as it sounds.
It is natural that we succumb to ... Views: 503
Do you take (or you are loaded with) work which you can not handle under the given work conditions?
What you can do to handle such problem is ‘Learn to Say “NO” and know when you can afford to say so’
Saying ‘NO’ is not all that simple as it sounds.
It is natural that we succumb to ... Views: 543
The new generation is more concerned about their bodies and hence going to gym for exercise is very popular, though some do it for the sake of maintaining their social status or looking fashionable.
Modern exercise is machine oriented and a variety of equipment have been designed for this ... Views: 553
Often, persons slow in their reflexes / reactions or understanding are mocked around by referring with a label / tag of ‘tube light’. It is because a tube light takes little time to begin emitting light while ‘switched on’ in caparison with a bulb which does the job instantaneously. But its ... Views: 791
The word TASTE is typically related to eatable food items, but many times it is also used in broader prospective to indicate individual liking/ disliking of a person.
The taste is always associated with smell because we have same types of receptors in our body for both senses of smell & ... Views: 672
Today’s market is full of books, seminars, workshops and help materials of developing positive thinking. Yet the media is also full of negative news of murder, rape, violence, fraud etc. Perhaps the market of positive help material is developed on the highlighted negative news. An impression is ... Views: 872
‘Muscle memory’, it appeared very strange when I heard this word for the first time. Till then, I thought that memory belongs to only brain in the body. But when I heard this word many times in a seminar, it caught my attention. A little search on Internet revealed that it is actually a magic ... Views: 762
The covid-19 pandemic has taught us one thing which was needed badly in the pre-corona dynamic world moving rapidly under demand & supply forces. This is the realization of difference between real and artificial demands of the individual for a contended & happy living. The distinction of ... Views: 772
There is a great amount of similarity in the habit programs working in the mind and software programs working in the computers. We can consciously write our habit programs but most often we do not create these programs as every user of the computer do not write or design software program for ... Views: 827
The ancient science of yog(a)
The practice of yog(a) dates back to thousands of years in the Indian subcontinent as a pre-Vedic tradition1. It is not limited to fixed rituals, but it is the name given to the umbrella of scientific techniques which is as open and dynamic as any other ... Views: 657
Thousands of years ago, when the civilization was in primitive stage and hunting was our only occupation, the confusing question in the mind of everyone at the time of seeing a wild animal was, ‘Is this a source of protein a food for me? or will this creature will eat me as a food for its ... Views: 728
What do you do when you face a storm?
* Cancel your journey and run towards your sweet home.
* Look for a shelter/anchor around and wait for the storm to pass.
* Or run towards the storm to face it.
Well these are the 3 basic types of reactions which people do choose. (Some of you may be ... Views: 1323
Remember when you appreciated a good piece of music – a song or otherwise. It appealed to you because it was conveying combined vibrations of your liking. Though the music you heard appeared to you as a single entity, in reality it was a combination of several sounds produced by different ... Views: 1695
Most of the vehicles move on wheels. Even aero planes use wheels during take off and landing. Modern wheel is an excellent piece of engineering efforts but for the driver of the vehicle the major concern about the wheel is its tire- pressure.
Whether you are driving a bike, car or truck, you ... Views: 1515
“Are you still there?”
Sounds a familiar question? How often have you heard that?
The realization of stagnation is killing. Life is only nice if it keeps on moving ahead. When it comes to halt, its ugly face appears.
The growth is evident in children. But what happens after childhood? ... Views: 1239
Stock market is a place of tremendous activities. The players in this marketplace try to hit the correct price of the stock(s) which is dynamic itself.
It is like players trying to hit the moving ball in the game of football or hockey. All the players of both the teams make moves in ... Views: 1318
Stock market is a place of tremendous activities. The players in this marketplace try to hit the correct price of the stock(s) which is dynamic itself.
It is like players trying to hit the moving ball in the game of football or hockey. All the players of both the teams make moves in ... Views: 1318
Future is unknown for everyone. You maybe rich or poor, powerful or meek, V.I.P. or ordinary person, it holds true.
Does that mean, ‘we gamble each time we participate in an event or perform any action in our lives.’
Can we predict or control the outcome of events with 100% ... Views: 1409
This is the age of information and technology.
But what does it means to a common person. He/she is dying with information overload. On any aspect/issue there is tons of advise/tips available but the question is, which one is reliable and in my interest?
You may be a well informed person ... Views: 2310
Army is meant for war. It is designed for that purpose. It is a very costly affair because here you don’t want to compromise on any account. You want the best people working with best resources and maintain their best position in worst conditions and motivated to commit the highest sacrifice in ... Views: 1238
Nature is a perfect balance. (There are no manipulations or hidden interests.) To go along smoothly with this perfect scheme, all we have to do is, ‘honor some basic laws’.
One such law is-
“Give your best services first….’.
We all work .Even millionaires and celebrities do work. Work ... Views: 1206
At any workplace, there are two extreme types of working persons-
Action oriented - One who works on already decided jobs or policies. Work is mostly done on physical level. His/her decision making powers are very limited. He /she are generally referred as worker.
Thought oriented- He/she ... Views: 1222
Think of competition and the mind goes to –
• Beating others
• Out performing others
• Scoring better than all others
• Getting results faster and better than others
The mere thought gives you the feeling of painful efforts and fighting with unknown enemies.
Competition is also a ... Views: 1329
“Plan for the worst and Hope for the best”
You must have probably heard this quote.
Unfortunately many people go just opposite. They make plan where they consider all situations and factors in their favor.
Being optimistic is very good but not while you are planning. Making a workable plan ... Views: 1402
Darkness & light are not two different things but two complementary values of same property. Existence of one ensures the absence of other. Absence of light is called darkness. When we say ‘there is light’, it automatically means ‘it is not dark’ and similarly when we say ... Views: 1258