An author platform by definition is having a following or built up readership, an existing group or individuals who are familiar with you and your work. Having a platform helps agents and editors decide if they want you as a client. A writer, who comes with her own readers all ready to ... Views: 1069
Writing jobs are highly searched for positions amongst full time and part time writers. For the full time writer looking for a steady gig or the freelancer building her portfolio, there are many opportunities to be found online and offline. The key to securing ongoing business lies with how ... Views: 749
Book reviews are great ways to promote your book and increase you book sales. When formulating your book marketing plan include a creative way to use book reviews. A good book review can land you on a best seller list or put you into the seven figure bracket for sales profits. What is your ... Views: 814
With the current state of economic affairs in the United States and other countries being what they are, jobs are hard to come by. If you are fortunate enough to be granted a job interview, don’t arrive unprepared. There are many aspects to interview preparation, but an area often overlooked ... Views: 1521
With more and more companies laying off employees and closing their doors, many individuals find themselves struggling to make ends meet. As time progresses families who once had two incomes are reduced to only one source of financial provision, and many single parent homes suffer when the only ... Views: 738
There are several ways to make extra money. The means through which you accomplish this pressing necessity are completely up to you. Accomplishing this goal depends on how much money you want to make, what resources you have available to you and of course what you are willing to do. There is ... Views: 1026
Resumes and cover letters are both important tools when searching for a new job. Both documents are written representations of you before you are able to represent yourself in person. When well written, they can open doors of communication, land you an interview and possibly a new job. There ... Views: 919
Calculating one’s salary can seem like a daunting task. However, using the following key points will boost your confidence and prepare you for salary negotiation. For the novice employee, newly unemployed or recent college graduate, salary negotiation is an important part of the interview ... Views: 1134
When writing a resume many people leave off the objective. Depending on your career level and title, this can be an okay move. For the most part I suggest all entry level and mid career professionals include an objective on their resumes. The purpose of the objective is to state your purpose. ... Views: 4223
When writing a cover letter to be submitted with your resume, consider what an employer or recruiter goes through and how many other cover letters and resumes they will read along with yours. Let me first begin by telling you that a cover letter is mandatory when submitting your resume to any ... Views: 1956
Did you know that combining the wrong foods and can be bad for your health? Poor food combination can be especially bad for your digestion. There are several rules and formulas to follow for optimum digestion. These rules and formulas may seem foreign or alien to the unknowing consumer who ... Views: 910
For years natural cures and home remedies have been growing in popularity. Health conscious consumers, worried mothers or individuals with common or extreme illnesses seek out natural cures to relieve their pain and sickness. Many ailments and their symptoms are merely suppressed instead of ... Views: 687
When you feel like something is wrong with your body but you are unsure of the cause, don’t ignore your symptoms. Anyone who has taken ill without knowing the root of their illness will tell you it is a terrifying experience. You suffer from symptoms unaware or uncertain of what you should do ... Views: 751
Health and nutrition awareness has become more prevalent in the last five years. With the increasing costs of health care, the spread of immune system weakening diseases and all around poor well being, many Americans are turning to better diets and regular exercise. Organic fruits and ... Views: 738
Interested in optimizing your health? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Perhaps you are suffering from debilitating ailments. Did you know that having the right nutrition facts can increase your overall health physically, mentally and emotionally? Think about it. When you’re ... Views: 783
Stress and poor health are as closely related as insomnia and fatigue. When your mind is not functioning optimally or plagued by negative thoughts and emotions, eventually your body will suffer the consequences. Stress is regulated by the adrenal glands, which are systematically connected to ... Views: 1124