Everything in this world is made up of different frequencies of energy vibrating at different rates to produce the objects we perceive as being solid matter. Our food is no different. Different foods have different frequencies, and it makes sense that those foods would affect us in unique ways ... Views: 2160
Do you ever hang out in coffee shops, sipping your double Americano – no cream or sugar – nibbling on air, and staring around you at the local color, silently tallying up the calories in their triple vanilla lattes, hand forged donuts, scones, and delectable baked treats, marveling at their slim ... Views: 1290
Breath is what is called a primary pattern, meaning it's one of the first things a child does when he or she is born. Your whole body responds to the air that you bring in through your lungs, not just your chest, and oxygen is the most vital nutrient your body requires.
While you can live ... Views: 1899
So often, pain plagues us for years, rearing its ugly head at the most inopportune times, like right before a sporting event, while we're on vacation, or when the weather finally turns to sun and it's time to get outside and play. Even worse, it can be a persistent thorn in your side for years; ... Views: 2739
After the economy crashed last year, the media just couldn't seem to get enough recession coverage. Whether you've been directly affected as a result of the global economic shifts or not, the increased level of societal tension is affecting your mental and physical health.
Of course, with ... Views: 1205
Have you ever noticed how wonderful it feels to come home to a clean house, especially when you've been gone on a long trip and are good and ready to sleep in your own bed? There's a certain refreshing feeling to walking into a space that's perfectly organized, dust free, and scrubbed ... Views: 1436
Movement is absolutely essential to health. It stimulates your central nervous system, increases oxygen flow to the brain, improves circulation, and flushes fluids into and out of cells, among other benefits. In fact, the flexibility of your body is directly correlated to the flexibility of ... Views: 1804