If you suffer from night anxiety, be aware – you are definitely not alone. 50% -70% of anxiety and panic disorder sufferers have reported having night anxiety attacks as well. You would think that anxiety and stress could at least give you a break at night – but no. Maybe you are worried about ... Views: 905
Seasonal affective disorder is not a myth. Almost 10 percent of the population develops SAD, often called "the winter blues", which is a form of depression linked to the decreased hours of sunshine in autumn and winter. Every year, as the days become shorter, colder, and the spring seems like a ... Views: 1046
Degenerative disc disease in neck is not actually a disease at all. It's a process that happens to everyone with aging. The spinal discs go through natural changes as we age. Degeneration of the disc usually happens in the lumbar area or in the neck, but it can occur anywhere along the ... Views: 1862
If you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks or depression, you probably heard “CBT” mentioned many times. What is cognitive behavioral therapy? Why are there so many people talking about it? How can it permanently stop anxiety and panic attacks?
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
CBT is ... Views: 888
If you are looking for anti inflammation supplements, you probably have these 2 problems: First, you don't want to take, or keep taking, prescription and OTC pain killers anymore. Maybe you can't bear the well known side effects; maybe you want to treat your body right with a natural treatment. ... Views: 1311
Is there tinnitus medication out there? Is there a single medication that you can use to shut down the nasty ringing in your ears? Does it actually work? Most tinnitus sufferers are looking for a fast relief from this horrible condition. In this guide you will find the answer to this common ... Views: 1945
It feels like you are going to die. It feels like your heart had stopped and all you can do is just lye in bed waiting to die. You can't decide if it is a heart attack or not. Every time you have another panic attacks, you are more afraid of the next one – which leads to another panic attacks. ... Views: 1132