As a Mentalist I often have to memorize incredible amounts of data, in very little time. The good news is that I have the tools and ability to do so. The number one complaint I hear from people is that they can’t remember peoples names. This is extremely frustrating and to be honest names were ... Views: 2292
“You see, but do not observe.” -Sherlock Holmes
‘Deductive’ observation as I like to call it, allows you to predict and anticipate what a particular person is going to do or say next. It can reveal a wealth of information and insight to ones thoughts and intentions. As a Mentalist knowing the ... Views: 4440
Brought by Thought
The power of thought is a force above all other forces that we are aware of scientifically. I recently read a story that absolutely shook my very foundations, im going to share a little of that with you now.
A man who worked for a major railroad station repairing train ... Views: 1733