“If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” ~ Thomas A. Edison
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ... Views: 4012
People everywhere have incredible ideas, reachable goals, and untapped potential – but they are far more scared of actually accomplishing their dreams than they are of failing to achieve them. The reason is because being average or just good is certainly easier than the work required to become ... Views: 1601
Before applying the secrets of success, one must understand what they are. This article is not focused on actually outlining and explaining in detail what the secrets of success are – its purpose is to demonstrate how they are applicable to any of our goals, pursuits, and dreams in life. Below I ... Views: 1198
Success has never been achieved based solely upon talent, circumstance, brains, or even courage. It is obtained when specific goals are combined with an organized plan, commitment to that plan is combined with a belief that it is possible, and daily action is combined with continual persistence ... Views: 1728
People everywhere have incredible ideas, hidden talents, unlimited potential, and reachable dreams, but they spend too much time listening to the voices of fear and doubt in their own minds that they thus never take a risk and put forth the necessary action required to realize those goals, ... Views: 1337
Usually, the difference between success and failure is attempt! Courage is more important than ability, faith is more powerful than experience, and action produces far more than knowledge. Ironically, the majority of our daily actions require taking a risk; in fact, progress and risk are ... Views: 1187
Never forget that entrepreneurs are not born – they are created! Within you already lie the essential elements to be successful as an entrepreneur – and in anything in life – because you literally are capable of becoming and accomplishing anything. Remember though that an understanding of the ... Views: 1115
Worrying feeds fears and doubts. Worrying wastes time and consumes energy. Worrying weakens ambition and breeds inaction. Worrying will cripple our confidence, faith, and ability to reason. Worrying kills the ability to think big and reveals an inability to control one’s thoughts. Worrying is ... Views: 1856
Resumes are essential documents that communicate our past experience, outline our previous accomplishments, and even reveal a portion of our current character. They are so essential that employers, educational institutions, and companies everywhere must require them in order to assess our ... Views: 1289
Fear is unnecessary worry. Fear is a lack of self-confidence. Fear is evidence of an inability to control one’s thoughts. Fear is often the underlying reason for failure. Fear limits one’s potential because the thought of fear results in inaction. Fear, ironically, is both necessary and a ... Views: 1415
The greatest challenge and obstacle on the pathway to success is learning how to completely control our thoughts. Do you realize that you can literally think your way into success! The thoughts we allow and entertain in our own minds – whether they are positive or negative, believing or fearful, ... Views: 2586
What does L.F.G. stand for, and what is the story behind this acronym? Would you believe me if I told you that understanding and applying the principles of this acronym would ensure your success in anything in life?
In early 2008, I started a real estate investing business. In the process of ... Views: 3013
The majority of personal successes in life are usually accomplished after the individual determines to not give up when they experience a failure. This reality should suggest that dreams and goals are absolutely possible, but most often aren’t achieved because we quit during the ascent up the ... Views: 1296
Achievement of any goal or dream in life is the result of many contributing thoughts, attributes, and actions that cumulatively define the ‘law of success.’ Are any of these actions or attributes more important than the other? I don’t think so necessarily; however, without one essential ... Views: 985
Your success in life is not determined by the education obtained, institutions attended, career accomplishments, awards won, or the wealth you acquire. Real success in life is solely determined on who you become, the character and attributes you develop, the people you help, and whether or not ... Views: 1670
Each of us is exposed to and bombarded by – on a daily basis – an evil that is extremely enticing and appealing, so selfishly gratifying (temporarily), so unavoidably addictive, and so incredibly damaging to our thoughts, lives, families, and society. It is a plague and modern day slavery that ... Views: 17207
What are your dreams? We each have them, and they literally shape our thoughts and hopes. But, do you actually believe your dreams are possible? The unfortunate reality for most of us is that our dreams remain only as thoughts and wishes and never convert into actions. Ask yourself this ... Views: 1223
The other day I ran into a woman who asked me the typical question that seems to be a common start to many conversations. She asked: “So what do you do?” First of all, being an entrepreneur who has his feet in many waters, I never quite know how to answer that question. However, considering I ... Views: 1559
We all have heard and know that the majority of wealth in this nation was acquired through … Real Estate. The secret of the wealthy is actually no secret at all – they understand that purchasing properties is the key to achieving financial independence, freedom, and wealth. Because people ... Views: 939
As important as it is for children and teenagers to understand these 8 essential principles below – it is far more important that their parents actually know, understand, live and exemplify them before trying to teach them to their kids.
1)What Do Kids Want … That Money Can’t Buy: Our ... Views: 1675
There is a sad, unfortunate, and all-too-common scenario that happens on the street corners of the majority of large cities across the world. The situation is familiar to us all because we each have faced it several times. And while the locations and people may be different, the circumstances ... Views: 2859
The greatest challenge we will face in life – in fact, the very purpose of our existence – is to learn how to develop self-control and discipline ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, morally, financially, intellectually, and spiritually.
The difficulty of this necessary ... Views: 2026
In March 2008, I had an experience that I am positive many of us have had – perhaps several times. It all started with an IDEA in my mind! I had been talking with a friend on the phone and he mentioned something to me that sparked a business idea that I knew would work, and that I was extremely ... Views: 1388
There is a path, called ‘the path to success,’ which everyone is traveling on. Scattered randomly throughout the journey are occasional forks in the road that require us to make difficult decisions.
Both paths of these diverging forks bring with them certain appeal, rewards, risks, ... Views: 1193
You can become and accomplish anything in life! Your successes, greatness, and potential are determined by you alone; and all of the characteristics necessary to achieve your goals and dreams already lie within you. Our success and potential is not determined by talent or ability, knowledge or ... Views: 1290