#1 No Gluten?
Gluten is the glue that holds everything together, so it must be processed to be removed, then re-processed to add new ingredients that act like “Glue” such as:
Tapioca starch
Potato starch
Soy protein
For example this is from a leading top seller of ... Views: 1240
Did you know that eating two slices of whole wheat bread can increase your blood sugar more than 2 tablespoons of pure sugar?
Wheat Belly: Wheat is Transmutagenic that has been manipulated and transformed into Dwarf Wheat.
Amylopectin A gives you belly fat
"Where there's glucose, ... Views: 1030
If you are like me, I search everyday new methods of improving and enhancing health and vitality, this may become extremely hard in the modern times that we live in. One of the many issues people fail to take into consideration for the betterment of their health comes in the form of EMF or ... Views: 1242
Hey, what’s up everybody? Another week, another video. And in this week’s video, you’re going to be learning about the importance of moving.
Little known fact is, everybody sits down too much, everywhere. We are living in a society of lazy people. Come on folks, think about this. I was in a ... Views: 997