As warmer weather approaches, our minds turn to tackling major projects – from a full home de-clutter to finishing the back deck. Take the time now to make sure that none of your chemicals are expired and replace any that are.
Organize Anything has come up with some great tips to ensure that ... Views: 1057
When the sun starts to come out, the kids head outside – often leaving their game room in disarray. We’ve thought up a few strategies to help you avoid playing Tetris with your gaming systems.
1. Creative storage. Depending on the console you own and the entertainment unit or TV stand you ... Views: 1274
With today’s growing awareness of environmental issues, green is the new black. Today everyone is thinking green. Consumers can’t get enough of green: whether it’s a sage green throw, leafy green salads, or a beautiful green tree or shrub in the back yard.
Today’s green movement also carries ... Views: 1143
Moving is a stressful job, but when you’ve been living in the same home for many years it can seem almost overwhelming. With so much to pack, even getting started can be daunting.
Organize Anything has compiled some simple tips to help you make packing an easier task.
1. Sort it. When ... Views: 1233
This story comes to us from one of our readers. She wanted to share her “sticking point” – the moment she realized that her attempts at organizing were actually hurting her more than helping.
“Everyone has one, you just may not know it yet. I discovered my sticking point the other day while ... Views: 1094
Do you ever wonder if you are over-tipping or under-tipping, or be tipping at all? You are not alone. Lots of people are unsure how much to tip the bell hop or the tour guide. They usually end up tipping way too much or not enough.
Organize Anything has put together a handy chart of ... Views: 1847
Working from home, or ready to join the thousands of Canadians who already do? Home-based businesses offer considerable advantages, but many challenges. Here are seven strategies that will make your home office experience more productive and rewarding.
1) Select a dedicated workspace. If ... Views: 1145
The 2011 Organize Anything Top 10 Organizing Product List is a comprehensive collection of products that allow you to save time and live your life. We’ve spent the year looking at products recommended to us by clients, suppliers and that we’ve run across that just make life simpler. Here are our ... Views: 2212
We live in a world where bigger is better and more is all the rage. When we are trying to get the life we want, it often involves adding something new: a new routine to lose weight, exercising more, taking a class or starting a new activity.
Also, we are always looking for more time–most of ... Views: 1107
Small Steps, Big Changes
We all deal with clutter, believe it or not. Yes, even that friend with the spotless home. She doesn’t appear to have clutter because she deals with clutter before it takes over her office, home — and life.
But what about the rest of us, with overflowing closets, ... Views: 1297
Tired of gifts being returned or unused? Do gift certificates seem too impersonal? Give these gifts that will be used almost immediately!
1. Homemade preserves: Jams, jellies, pickles and beets — just like Grandma used to make! Dig through family recipes, search online or go to the local ... Views: 819
It’s simple. Christmas can be a wasteful time of year. More waste can mean more damage to the environment. Try these simple tips to keep your white Christmas green:
1) When choosing a real tree, ask where it can be returned so it can be turned into mulch: If you have the space, buy a potted ... Views: 872
Sometimes wrapping gifts can be equally as stressful as buying — and sometimes equally as expensive. Here are some quick and cost-effective ways to nix the wrapping this year.
1) Baskets: They come in all sizes and shapes and can make even simple gifts look attractive. Packing your gifts in ... Views: 946
Do you ever have trouble ending a telephone conversation?
Do you need to speak to someone but worry because it always turns into a long drawn out conversation on topics you would rather not speak about?
Do people come in your office and you can't get them to leave?
Do your meetings run too ... Views: 2035
Ready to get organized to better manage your time? Here are some helpful tools to get you started.
Day Planner. Use one place to record all your appointments and special dates. Be sure to record telephone numbers along with appointment details so you can call if you are running late or ... Views: 933
To a lot people, books are like treasures. Old books hold a sense of nostalgia and quaintness for so many. But, the reality is, the knowledge they contain is the treasure. Due to technology, the information held in books becomes out of date more quickly than ever. When working with our ... Views: 1172
Stress management is now being accepted as an integral part of any workplace wellness program. Those who report a consistent level of stress in their lives are twice as likely to become depressed. Programs seek to reduce stress on employees by evaluating and changing corporate structure, ... Views: 1618
As students prepare to return to school, there are several things that parents can do to help their children succeed in the classroom and in life. When discussing studying success, learning styles and learning differences need to be taken into consideration. Sixty-Five percent of people are ... Views: 1255
We live in a world where bigger is better and more is all the rage. When we are trying to get the life we want, it often involves adding something new: a new routine to lose weight, exercising more, taking a class or starting a new activity. Also, we are always looking for more time–most of us ... Views: 1066
Exam time can be a stressful time of year, especially for new college and university students. For most students, it’s not WHAT they have to study that gives them the stress, but HOW to study it. Organize your study time and exam-writing strategies to have a calm and collected exam period. ... Views: 853
Have you ever had to dig through a ton of boxes to find a file, just because you didn’t know what box it was it? Have you ever unplugged two or three things before finding the right cord? How many hours have you spend sniffing the spices, just because you couldn’t tell by looking which one was ... Views: 1228
Photographs are a great way to remember special occasions, but it’s not always easy to keep them sorted. Here are a few tips you can follow when printing or picking up your snapshots that will help you organize and protect your precious moments:
Go through your photos and discard the blurry or ... Views: 915
Did you make a resolution to lose weight this year? This is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions, and the one that is most often unfulfilled. After all, it’s not easy changing long-time eating and exercise habits. So how can you follow through and stick to this resolution? The best way ... Views: 859
A good business trip takes careful planning. So does maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a healthy weight. If you travel frequently in your line of work, or for your business, you know how difficult it can be to keep up good habits and how easy it is to slip into bad ones. The good news is that, ... Views: 882
Although most of us are enjoying a relaxing summer break, the new school year is just around the corner. August is the time to get ready for back to school by preparing ourselves with the proper supplies and organizational techniques. Follow these suggestions to create a less stressful year and ... Views: 896
A focal point is the element in the room which the eye is drawn to as soon as you enter the room. Every room must have a focal point because it makes the room complete and creates purpose. If a room does not have a built in focal point, for instance a picture window, you can create one yourself. ... Views: 1071
People don’t always spend a generous amount of time in their basement and therefore, it often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. This often carries through when the home is for sale. Research shows us that kitchens, bathrooms and living rooms are main areas of interest to buyers, so when we ... Views: 1172
Highlight and draw attention to elements in the home, such as a great view, architectural details, even repairs, renovations or equipment upgrades. Your kitchen and bathroom are prime selling opportunities, so pay special attention to these areas. For example, keep your kitchen counters clear of ... Views: 1069
Preparing to sell your home this year? The most common mistake many sellers make when staging their homes that you can avoid is preparing your home based on your personal tastes. When selling, you are creating a ‘residential advertisement’ for your home, so it must appeal to the audience you ... Views: 1070
Most of us would rather do anything than file our taxes. Even if you have professional help, it’s your responsibility to get the information together. So, here are seven quick tips to help make tax time less taxing for you:
- Remember that your income tax return is due April 30 each year. ... Views: 835
Look up, look way up! Organizing solutions can be as simple as looking up and looking under. When you think there’s no where left to go—it’s time to get creative with your storage.
Look Up
-Shelves are a great way to display collectables as well as store items for everyday use. Consider ... Views: 1037
Knick-knacks, magazines, electronics, pictures, keepsakes, rugs, and tables. These common household items seem harmless enough, but the more we have in our homes, the more difficult it can be to move! Sometimes we have so much stuff it can block doorways or paths to exit the house—dangerous in ... Views: 975
The first step in organizing a small closet is to go through and purge any items you no longer wear or use. Then, looking at what remains, decide what items you use regularly (undergarments, work clothes, jeans, workout clothes), those you use occasionally (formal wear, bathing suits), and what ... Views: 1405
Depending on the console you own and the entertainment unit or TV stand you have, there are different ways you could store the console. You could use an under-shelf wire basket which attaches by just slipping on to the shelf above it to create more space in a cabinet. If you currently have ... Views: 2811
Do you procrastinate? You’re not alone. It’s easy to say, ”I’ll do it tomorrow,” when faced with a project. But if you keep putting it off, you run the risk of racing the clock to complete it at the last minute. And if you do complete it, you may be unhappy with the results. So when you feel the ... Views: 1051
Running into a meeting just in time to hear the speaker’s final thought for the day? Showing up at the basketball game as the final buzzer sounds? Made it to your favourite store’s sale of the century to find one shirt left, and it’s not even in your size? If this sounds like you, read my ... Views: 852
We spend roughly one-third of our day in our bedrooms, most of it sleeping. Little wonder it can be difficult to keep a bedroom tidy and clutter-free. Following these easy-to-remember steps will help you keep things in order—maybe even get a good night’s sleep.
Make your bed first thing in ... Views: 962
We live in a world where bigger is better and more is all the rage. When we are trying to get the life we want, it often involves adding something new: a new routine to lose weight, exercising more, taking a class or starting a new activity. Also, we are always looking for more time–most of us ... Views: 864
People buy from emotion. Our senses are how we define the world around us and have a strong link to memory and emotion. What better way to create an emotional appeal for our home than through our senses.
When you decide to put your home on the market it makes good sense to consider your home ... Views: 960
With everything going on in the world today it makes us wonder how prepared we really are. Even if an emergency isn’t constantly at our doorstep, our lives will run a lot smoother and we will feel a little more in control with some proper planning.
Here are some things to keep in ... Views: 993
Many of us think we have conquered procrastination and have become efficient workers. This may be true for some of us, but when it comes to procrastination we may have just become a little more creative. You may just be a V.I.P. – Very Inventive Procrastinator. Read the statements below to see ... Views: 868
It’s a new year - time for new resolutions and goals. Here’s one that will help you get organized while warding off the post-Christmas financial blues – use what you have. You’d be surprised at how many items you have lying around that you’ve never used. Items that, by using them, will create ... Views: 982
When it comes to adding things to the To Do list think in terms of describing your goal as a time or a task. Remember we can’t do a project. We have to break it down in to smaller manageable pieces.
Time is when you designate an amount of time in hours or minutes and you simply stop when you ... Views: 828
We sure have a love affair with adhesive notes. Expanding from the original yellow square note pad, they now come in many colors, sizes, shapes, and specialty varieties (super sticky, page tags, divider tags.) Sticky notes can be a great tool to trigger your brain or to keep frequently used ... Views: 1074
Many gals have a shoe thing. A shoe thing is more than just having a reasonable amount of shoes to wear, it’s about collecting them and not letting any of them go. It’s hard to let go of items that have memories attached, cost a lot of money or were a gift from a loved one. Most people, ... Views: 873
Your senior years should focus on carefree living. For many older adults this means downsizing to an apartment or assisted living accommodations. A larger home may no longer suit your needs; requiring more maintenance and house cleaning than a smaller home. Staying in your current home may ... Views: 880
Having a routine doesn’t mean your life will be boring or predictable. Routines are an awesome way to get more out of each day and to allow us to do more of the things we really want to do. Complete everyday activities in the most efficient way so that you have more free time to be ... Views: 862
It seems like the items we spend most of our time searching for are the ones we need and use daily. The best example is our keys. How many of us spend 20 extra minutes every morning before leaving the house searching for our keys, or five minutes waiting outside the front door before we can ... Views: 956
Always running around looking for your phone? Do you have to search madly for you cell phone when it rings? Here are some tips to help you never lose your cell phone again.
When you are out, always store your cell phone in the same pocket of your coat, purse or briefcase so that way it will be ... Views: 1299
Is your mudroom, hallway, foyer or entry way making you mad?
Do you constantly trip over everything on the floor?
Is there no space to put anything?
Or has your clutter been like this so long that you just pass by and not really see what your guests see?
You may just spend minutes coming or ... Views: 978