Raising your vibration is extremely important if you're serious about making lasting changes in your life for the better. It is one of the key principles in applying the Law of Attraction and manifesting your dreams. Once you raise your vibration to a higher frequency, you will feel healthier, ... Views: 1720
There's no shortage of personal development programs designed to help you succeed in life, but there's one that stands out from the crowd. It's called Quantum Jumping and it has to be the most bizarre but powerful mind empowerment program that I have come across. In fact, when I recently ... Views: 1597
Knowing how to build self confidence is something which every person alive can benefit from tremendously. Just think about how much easier it is to make the most of your natural potential when you possess unbreakable self-confidence.
It just makes everything in your life so much easier, ... Views: 879
Have you ever thought about who you are?
Are you the body you see every day in a mirror?
Of course you aren't. Your body is constantly changing. It is different now than it was ten or twenty years ago. According to some scientists, cells in our bodies are constantly being replaced by new ... Views: 1681
I've seen too many people 'beat themselves up' as they learn about the Law of Attraction and begin to apply it in their lives. And there's one question that always springs to my mind - why are they so hard on themselves?
Because when their desire doesn't materialize in a few days, they think ... Views: 1338
Take a look at Miss Piggy from the muppets. She was always very outgoing and confident, but more importantly she had amazing self-esteem. She thought and firmly believed that she was stunningly beautiful and she displayed it in a very dramatic way.
Everyone fell for it, everyone found her to ... Views: 838
If you know how to attract money, it makes everything else in your life a breeze. Just think about how much easier it would be for you to find the time to exercise, to purchase nutritious foods and to get your health in order.
Just think about how much easier it would be for you to devote ... Views: 1466
The Secret took only a few years to become the best-selling self-help book of all time, making Rhonda Byrne world famous in the area of personal development.
Before the movie and book were released, no one had ever heard of her. But the important thing about this movie was not the person ... Views: 1358
Self improvement tips are a great way to kickstart your personal growth and to push yourself to new levels of achievement and fulfillment.
If you're someone who's interested in personal development, you're probably always in search of effective strategies for stimulating growth. You're ... Views: 1001
Have you ever wondered why some people are richer and happier while others are always struggling and remain poor and unhappy?
The answer to this question is simple, it’s the way people think. What you’re today is based on your past thoughts and beliefs. Your past thoughts and attitude created ... Views: 1337
Stress is good! Seriously, good stress, otherwise known as 'eustress' serves to help you function at your best. It's when stress becomes overwhelming that it takes it toll physically and mentally. That's why it's important to keep stress in check.
Here's a few suggestions to help you do just ... Views: 1068
I have always been a big believer in modesty and keeping an even keel (emotionally), whether you are experiencing great success or painful failure. Many people would agree that a modest person has an inner confidence that does not need to be flaunted; a sign of strong character.
At the same ... Views: 839
Why is self-respect so important?
When you have self-respect, you actually fully love yourself. You love yourself for who you are on the inside and not just because of what you do, what you look like, or what you're capable of. When you have self-respect, you take pride in who you are and ... Views: 736
Developing a healthy body image is one of the most important things you can do to maintain a healthy mindset. It all starts from how you think of yourself, and when it comes down to it, you must accept yourself for the person that you are.
It can surely be tough though. You're constantly ... Views: 729
Many might find it shocking that meditation can be used to boost confidence. The truth is that meditation can be used to strengthen any emotion or skill.
When you meditate, you bring a great amount of awareness into your mind. In the moment of meditation you hold the power to decide exactly ... Views: 1015
Have you ever stopped to consider how thinking negative thoughts affects your reality?
It's easy to get lost in a cycle of thinking negative thoughts pertaining to the past or future. However, in doing so we rob ourselves of the opportunity to be happy in the present! Seconds, minutes and ... Views: 1298
Did you know that yoga was practiced by our ancestors over 5,000 years ago?
Well, according to ancient texts it was, and while many modern-day thinkers see yoga as another form of exercise, our ancestors have long referenced yoga as a powerful tool for nurturing the mind, body and ... Views: 1165
Would you like to live a healthy, happy, prosperous life?
Of course you do, who doesn't?
But, where do you start?
One way to achieve all that’s mentioned above and more is to raise your vibration. When you raise your vibration, you allow more life force (feel good) energy to flow ... Views: 1468
Unless you've been living under a rock, you will have heard of the law of attraction. But like most, you've probably struggled to make the law of attraction work for you, right?
If so, you are probably wondering what piece of the puzzle you are missing. I mean, why do all those super ... Views: 1364
Have you figured out how to use the law of attraction to manifest more wealth and prosperity into your life, or is that something you're still working on?
In case you're not yet aware of how the law attraction works. According to the law of attraction, the results in your life are attracted ... Views: 1374
Would you like to improve your health, forge strong meaningful relations, accelerate your ability to manifest and fine tune your spiritual antenna at the same time?
Well you can. You just need to raise your level of consciousness so that you are vibrating at higher frequency. But what does it ... Views: 1044
Research has shown that one of the biggest reasons people lack drive and ambition is due to having low self esteem. In fact, your self esteem can literally mean the difference between feeling motivated and self-assured, or feeling inferior, and lacking the drive you need to succeed.
Low ... Views: 1011
Is life chucking you a few hurdles to contend with? Is your mind burdened with worrying thoughts?
Life can be demanding at the best of times, and it's easy to find yourself in a never ending cycle of stress and anxiety, fueled by worry.
However, burying your head in the sand will only mean ... Views: 4219
Why is self confidence so important?
Having self confidence can mean the difference between success and failure. When you are confident, you spend less time fretting over "what ifs" and spend more time taking action. And as you know, taking action is what leads to tangible results.
The ... Views: 990
We've all been there, the bills are piling up, your workload is overwhelming you, and your kids are giving you a hard time at home. Before you know it, you are stressed out of your mind and you can literally feel your blood reaching boiling point.
It's true, stress is something that we all ... Views: 1103
Do you feel like you're stuck in the rut and not moving forwards?
Have you lost motivation and lack self esteem?
If you want to start pursuing your dreams and don't plan on settling for a mundane life, you'll want to start setting and achieving goals.
By setting a goal, you're ... Views: 1729