The first Waldorf school was initiated in 1919 by the Austrian spiritual scientist, Rudolf Steiner. Today there are over a thousand schools in over sixty countries around the globe.
From Wikipedia:
“The Waldorf approach emphasizes the role of the imagination in learning, developing ... Views: 1274
From the viewpoint of an overview of the evolution of humanity, Rudolf Steiner gave some important indications to weigh, in terms of spiritual practice.
For example, whereas the ideal progression for working with the chakras used to be from the bottom up, the modern way is now from the top ... Views: 830
Kropotkin versus Darwin
Soon after Charles Darwin published his work pertaining to evolution, the Russian biologist, anarchist, and seminal thinker, Peter Kropotkin, managed to create a work on evolution of equal, some say greater, merit. The Kropotkin volume, to which the author rendered the ... Views: 756
The sense of taste, in its higher, more refined state, is capable of discerning what the body most needs at any given time. However, when blunted or debased, it discerns not what is wholesome in a given moment, but what is tasty, or even what will feed a health-undermining craving.
A de-based ... Views: 791
Do you think when they asked Thomas Jefferson for his ID, he just took out a nickel?
- from Musings of Hebert Flabeau
I can't, for the life of me, recall how I emerged from the haze of those days. But one (relatively) clear morning, I awoke to the aspiration of leaving substances behind, and ... Views: 826
This article examines Christianity at its root, as well as some esoteric aspects, using anthroposophy and the insights of Rudolf Steiner as a resource. It does not attempt to assess religions that have branched out from the original impulse. It only seeks to delve into what lies at the heart ... Views: 1157
The etheric body is the foundational base of the physical body. One of the reasons that homeopathic remedies are so effective is because they resonate with the etheric body, amending a condition where it will have the most long-term effect. A remedy that ameliorates on the etheric level then ... Views: 1012
When presented with the notion that biodynamic gardening and farming is an exceptional forum with advanced methods, one scientist scoffed, saying “You’re not espousing a system that plants by the phases of the moon, and such, are you?!”
This “scientist” fails in ... Views: 1073
- an article from Insight21 - answers for the 21st Century
Anthroposophical medicine, one of the many initiatives launched by Rudolf Steiner, is a holistic approach to healing that entails an in-depth assessment of the fourfold human constitution - wherein the inter-weave of physical, ... Views: 1457
It has been thought, by a few great individuals, that if you can garner twelve perspectives on a particular subject, then you can attain a significant understanding of the subject. This article strives in that direction by presenting the dynamics of reincarnation and karma from twelve different ... Views: 758
Instigating North America’s eco-renaissance
- A report from Earth Vision, by Josef Graf
The end of the cattle industry looms now, as overly-manipulative agriculture practices continue to degrade beef herds. At the same time, there is taking place a resurgence in ... Views: 1010
An article from Insight21
From the viewpoint of an overview of the spiritual evolution of humanity, Rudolf Steiner gave some important indications to weigh, in terms of spiritual practice.
For example, whereas the ideal progression for working with the chakras used to be from the bottom up, ... Views: 895
An article from Insight21 and Earth Vision - presenting answers for the 21st Century.
Delightful though it be,
to wander through a garden of bright images,
are we not enticing your mind
from a subject of equal,
if not greater, importance?
- Kwai-lung
THE EARTH VISION ... Views: 818
Woven within the term “real estate” there lives a hint that the nature of the modern land transaction game has little authentic bearing in the real world (read spiritual realm). The notion to assert that it is “real” arises because, in fact, it has no basis in reality. ... Views: 1004
This article opens the box on the disappearing honeybee issue, so-called Colony Collapse Disorder, by using spiritual ecology and the indications of 20th Century renaissance man, Rudolf Steiner, to look at the common denominator of suspected causes. If entrenched analysts, who have been ... Views: 1320
The end of the cattle industry looms now, as overly-manipulative agriculture practices continue to degrade beef herds. At the same time, there is taking place a resurgence in bison numbers, in tandem with a perspective that holds reverence for the bison’s principle shepherd and guardian, ... Views: 1256
Silence stillness immensity
forest stretching endlessly
snow covered, quietly breathing its tremendous, wide, conifer expanse And the sough of wind rising and falling
Most beings here - plant or animal - are melded into this spacious and soul-purifying landscape.
As is the human
But ... Views: 2627
Taking nature to a new level
It is the premise of Earth Vision that in order for humanity to cherish nature,
humanity must first recognize nature for what it is: a reflection of the very soul of its own being.
The world of nature, 2008. For the past year, Earth Vision has been active with its ... Views: 1027
- better health for you, the painter, and the environment
You’re wanting to paint that room that’s growing shabbier by the day, or get a professional to do it for you. In a word, what you’re looking for is transformation. But what style of transformation? A quickie - slap ... Views: 1210