If you see or feel small blisters on your lip and/or around your mouth you could very well have a fever blister or cold sore. Examine the reddened area. You may find small blisters that are cracked or leaking a clear fluid and then, hopefully, scab over in just a few days. Medically, they are ... Views: 1433
The single biggest point of failure for home based business owners is running out of enough people to talk with about their products and their business opportunity.
This became immediately apparent to me when I got started in this industry back in 1991. I tried local newspaper advertising ... Views: 1577
We all have our reasons we came into this business, some for money, some for job freedom, some for time freedom, and some to simply sell the product, some to build a dynasty.
Whatever your reason, it is CRITICAL that you make early contact with that reason, write it down, make a poster of ... Views: 1454
In the aviation world it is said that there are two classes of pilots. Those who HAVE landed gear up and those who WILL. The same can be said for every American. There are two types of people. Those who HAVE faced extreme adversity and those who WILL.
Have you ever had your bag full of ... Views: 1457
Workers and employers in the U.S. are bracing for a retirement crisis, even as the stock market sits near highs and the economy shows signs of improvement.
It is time to ask you some serious questions:
Are you set up where you can maintain your personal lifestyle with your known retirement ... Views: 1577