1. Think Prosperously
Prosperity is a frame of mind, an attitude by which you live and breathe abundance. Astounding success always starts with astounding mental preparations and exercises. Think of this like a new born baby or freshly planted seeds in a garden. You must tend to these in ... Views: 1748
Every choice that you make and every action that you take is designing your life and your career.
Whether you take an active or a passive role in the creation of your life, you’re creating it. Setting goals for things that you want but do not yet see in your life is a great way to hold ... Views: 947
What you think is what you get. Whether you think you’re a victim of your circumstances or you think you’re creating your circumstances, you’re right!
Luckily at any moment you can choose to start creating your circumstances instead of letting them create you. No, you can’t change things ... Views: 1086
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become” – Buddha
Think of the world as a magic Genie saying “Your wish is my command,” and here is why:
Imagine the flip of a coin, although there is a specific number of possible outcomes ... Views: 4878
Building your company a good reputation and a powerful brand is one of the most important investments you can make. Here’s 5 reasons why:
Develops Loyal Customers: When you build a brand that customers know and love, they become not only customers for life, but are likely to spread a good ... Views: 2277
All of life, matter, thoughts, and words are constantly vibrating at a specific frequency. Everything in the universe ranges from the lowest to the highest frequency, and Dr. Masaru Emoto has discovered that water is responsive to these frequencies on a physical level.
Dr. Masaru Emoto is ... Views: 1598
The National Foundation for Teaching Young Entrepreneurs (NFTE) has been educating young kids on how to start and maintain a successful business since 1987. NFTE has teachers across the country conducting classes for high school students on how to turn their ideas into profit making successful ... Views: 846
Be cool, relax; your health depends on it. Not only does stress reduce your productivity and effectiveness on a day to day basis, but it also has lasting effects on your body as well.
This is what’s going on inside when you allow outside circumstances to stress you out:
Step One: A ... Views: 980
With the media’s projections of today’s economy, it will be easy to view the current financial situation in a state of scarcity. The good news is, you can make a choice to believe in the scarcity or the abundance in any situation, and whatever you think, you’re right!
Try repeating these ... Views: 2965
For various reasons ranging from all time low real estate prices to high volumes of capital opportunity, here is a list of the top ten cities to start a business today. Check it out:
Las Vegas, Nevada: With real estate, cost of living, and employee wages as low as they’ve ever been, immense ... Views: 6454
For various reasons ranging from all time low real estate prices to high volumes of capital opportunity, here is a list of the top ten cities to start a business today. Check it out:
Las Vegas, Nevada: With real estate, cost of living, and employee wages as low as they’ve ever been, immense ... Views: 6454
Successful people have successful affirmations running through their heads all day. Follow these steps to create affirmations to lead you to your access.
1. Know the Goal
Tune your focus into where you want to be, not where you are. You reap what you sow, so if you are planting thoughts of ... Views: 1135
Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.”
–Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Enterprises.
Has the state of the economy got you down? Get back up. There’s no better time than the present to start a business.
The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) ... Views: 926
Facebook advertising provides an extremely comprehensive way to advertise your product or services specifically to your target market. Not only does it allow you to choose exactly who sees your ad, but you can create it yourself, today!
The system allows you to choose a photo for your ad and ... Views: 843
“You know what you gotta do when life gets you down? Just keep swimming”
-Dory, Finding Nemo
In life, it is inevitable that we encounter bumps in the road. Most of the crowning achievements known to man came to fruition through persistence and determination. It is always those who ... Views: 1198
Sure, generating lots of traffic to your website is great, but how do you convert them from visitors to customers? A business coach can help you perfect these 6 aspects of your site to get you well on your way..
Incentives- Presenting the visitors at your site incentives to make purchases on ... Views: 939
Have you ever questioned how important your imagination is? Let a success coach show what kind of impact it can really have.
Your brain is unable to distinguish between an action performed and the same action visualized. Edmund Jacobson, M.D discovered this in the 1930’s. Dr. Jacob ... Views: 909
Have you ever wondered how you can get your website to the top of Google or Yahoo? A business coach can help you perfect your meta tags, which are a powerful tool to get you there.
A meta tag is an HTML tag located in the "head" area of your web pages. This information is not visible by ... Views: 2125
Faith in your mind is like adrenaline in your blood.
Imagine that you are running for your life from a lion that’s looking to feed you to its family. Chances are you are going to run faster and longer than you have ever run before thanks to a little hormone called adrenaline. Adrenaline ... Views: 1358
Focus on what inspires you all day every day! It feels good, it radiates good, and it brings you to new levels of success!
Filling up on motivational and inspirational thoughts and staying far away from negative thoughts can completely reshape your day, especially if you start as soon as you ... Views: 8841
Goal setting is the most effective way to watch your hopes and dreams turn into realities. It is vitally important for your success to acknowledge your wants and needs in a clear, extensive manner, so follow these three major steps to receive your heart’s desires.
Ask: First ask yourself ... Views: 1417