Would you like to gain enlightening, career-building knowledge and the skills that will give you the winning edge when dealing with the opposite gender? Are men and women really that different from each other and how does that play itself out in work situations?
One of my favorite books is ... Views: 1628
Organizations today are undergoing massive changes. Changes that include reorganizations, re-engineering, downsizing, mergers, acquisitions, software and hardware changes, new management . . . and the list could go on and on. We are living in an age of incredible change and instability.
This ... Views: 1145
1. Post a weekly menu that tells what is planned for dinner each night of the week. This will save having to make a decision each morning. By planning (and shopping ahead), all you need to do is defrost according to plan. Be flexible with your menu. If you feel the need to change plans for an ... Views: 1245