Good Fats, Bad Fats, Which Fats?
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!
“It is simply a matter of including natural highly unsaturated fats in your food intake.”
Dr Johanna Budwig
What is Fat?
All fats consist of fatty acids. Fats are classified, depending on their chemical structure, as saturated, ... Views: 3797
Plan Your Weight Management
"Begin with the end in mind." - Stephen Covey
"They can because they think they can." - Virgil
Positive thinking is nice and certainly helps, but it is worthless if you do not associate it with action. Nothing is going to happen; nothing is going to change unless ... Views: 1302
Live life to the fullest" - Robert Louis Stevenson
"Experience is the best teacher" - Proverb
Cleansing and Fasting
Fasting Benefits
• Fasting is a great way to detoxify our body.
• It is also a great way to give our digestive system a rest.
• The energy needed to digest can be used to ... Views: 2848