Industry experts are of view that one of the major reasons for an economy to go through unrestrained development is ‘non-sustainability’. If we keep on making use of resources in an unplanned manner, we will be left with nothing in the years to come. The present needs can be fulfilled with the ... Views: 767
There are several benefits associated with the growth and development of social enterprises. Besides the generation of revenue for sustainability, these enterprises also serve social and environmental objectives. Even though there are difficulties in achieving the triple bottom line of social, ... Views: 894
There are several issues related to the provision of health care services across the world. According to health experts, there are three goals that should be achieved in order to ensure success in provision of quality healthcare to all:
• Health care services being provided to the patient ... Views: 1185
The term ‘sustainable development’ covers various global issues such as inequality, hunger, poverty and degradation of the environment. It is not difficult to follow a development strategy that is sustainable and causes less damage to the environment. However, one can’t deny the fact that ... Views: 721
There are several threats and challenges associated with the growth of social enterprises. The present need is to identify remedies for promoting the development of more social enterprises across the globe.
What are social enterprises?
In order to raise income, social organizations employ ... Views: 769
Business organizations across the world need to follow an effective approach in order to run an environmentally sustainable business. They need to reduce their carbon footprint and also come up with products that will help the consumers in minimizing the same. This will be possible only when ... Views: 850
Business organizations have a very important role to play towards ensuring environmental sustainability. They need to come up with a business model that will not only be beneficial for the business but also contribute to safety of the environment. According to experts, environmental ... Views: 1266
The current economic crisis has proved the fact that there is no such thing as job security. No job can be considered as safe no matter how well you have been performing. This in turn has led to the rise in popularity of sustainable career opportunities. But before you make a career switch it is ... Views: 848
Health experts believe that the present need is to address issues related to provision of public health and care facilities instead of focusing on disease specific problems. Investments from public as well as private sectors may be rising but the provision of quality health care still varies ... Views: 896
The basic purpose of starting a non-profit organization is the fulfillment of mutual or public benefits other than profit making. If you thought individuals start a NGO in order to get away from income tax payment or hide their illegal assets, think again. Even though governments in many ... Views: 799
Sustainable finance is all about the investment opportunities directed towards the conservation of the environment. It also relates to investments in clean energy and water projects, production of renewable energy or any business activities that fulfill environmental concerns. The fact that ... Views: 722
Sustainable development may be an over-used term but it can prove extremely beneficial in solving global issues such as degradation of the environment, poverty, inequality and hunger. According to experts, the entire world is facing social, environmental and economic challenges in the 21st ... Views: 2166
Earth’s resources are being used to feed more than six billion people. Activities related to industrial agriculture such as irrigation, usage of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers and the packaging and transportation of food items is also taking a toll on the resources available on the planet. ... Views: 718
Ethical consumerism is all about buying products that have been made in a sustainable manner and don’t cause any harm to the environment. Consumers can extend their support to environmental sustainability, better working conditions for the workers, reduced greenhouse gas emission and upliftment ... Views: 3110
When it comes to sustainability, consumers give top priority to the food and beverage industry. By choosing locally grown organic produce, they try to make a positive impact on the community. People have become conscious about what is being served to them. They are making efforts to modify their ... Views: 731
If you thought social enterprises are only focused on social or environmental aims, think again. Besides the good work, such enterprises are also involved in the generation of revenue for further sustainability practices. As far as the management of ‘triple bottom line’ is concerned, social ... Views: 806
The organic movement has resulted in the ever growing demand of green products and eco-friendly investment opportunities. The number of green companies has also increased sharply in the last decade. Business organizations are not only embracing sustainable production methods but they are also ... Views: 690
CSR reporting also referred to as sustainability reporting is an essential part of the business industry. Initially, CSR reports either focused exclusively on philanthropy or environmental issues. These reports were mainly driven by the objective of reducing potential risks and building strong ... Views: 702
If you have been looking for a career that helps you do something you believe in, there are thousands of non-profit job opportunities available out there. Not very often we come across people who leave their secure jobs in multinational companies to join non-profit organizations but the number ... Views: 750
Corporate social responsibility may have become a popular concept in the business world but will it survive the present economic turmoil? Until a year ago, no one would have questioned the possibilities of CSR. But things changed once the financial crisis hit the global economy. Experts are of ... Views: 977
Sustainable jobs are all about making a living while making a difference. From union leaders to politicians, everyone seems to be talking about ‘sustainable jobs’ as the next big thing. It is being predicted that the green jobs sector will not only prove effective in generating more jobs but ... Views: 757
Thanks to the unprecedented rise in the usage of social media tools and networks, the chasm between the real world and the online social media bubble seems to be fading. The fact that individuals across the world are using social media for social change, the concept is being regarded an ... Views: 1030
If you thought ethics and money can never go hand in hand, think again. With terms like sustainable food and ethical consumption gaining worldwide attention, millions of investors across the world are making investment decisions that will reflect their values. They are supporting business ... Views: 771
The current economic scenario when everyone is anxious about their business, jobs and future, encouraging social enterprises may not seem to be the right thing to do. But industry experts are of view that the present condition is best suited for social enterprises to take hold of the prevalent ... Views: 826
Global issues like climate change and rise in carbon footprint has resulted in the tremendous popularity of concepts like sustainable food and organic farming. The term ‘sustainability’ is the current buzz in the food industry with more than 50% Americans having heard of it. Since factory ... Views: 872
Social enterprise can be considered the result of non-profit organizations’ mission to attain sustainability in the current economic scenario. In a time of cut throat competition for available funds and a steady decline of support from government and traditional sources, the growing practice of ... Views: 654
Sustainable finance has emerged as one of the most promising and optimistic trends in the finance sector. It is said to be playing a key role in shaping our society’s future by combining financial goals with socially responsible behavior. Where some investors are showing concern for the ... Views: 724
Sustainability is an extremely powerful idea for business organizations. Even though it is a well known concept, not many companies are effectively working towards being a profitable yet responsible business. There are several organizations that still believe in following the “end of pipe” ... Views: 755
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is no new concept for companies that strive to achieve and sustain competitive advantage with moral management. If experts are to be believed, CSR will always be a vital part of the corporate agenda, regardless of any serious market fluctuations. According ... Views: 829
The purpose of any business organization goes beyond financial value creation for its stakeholders. When it comes to corporate ethics and social responsibility, companies all over the world are expected to demonstrate good work towards the society and the environment. It is their duty to operate ... Views: 1317