It is common to be irritated by disruptive behavior. Whether or not the annoyance is intentional, the real problem arises when you must confront the person. Informing someone of their annoying behavior can be uncomfortable for many, and possibly insulting to the receiving party. Many avoid the ... Views: 1685
Forming a new team for a project, large task, or special assignment is an effective way for creating a different dynamic. A group with people who have an assorted set of skills, backgrounds and knowledge can offer new ideas and discoveries that a group of similar individuals may not. The same ... Views: 1162
Feedback can be a valuable tool in personal and professional development. The opinions of others can give you insight into your own behavior that you may not know or find out on your own. Although it is very useful, sometimes feedback can be difficult to hear, especially if it has not been ... Views: 4768
Every organization has a staff with a diverse set of personalities, backgrounds and experiences. Conflict is inevitable in organizational settings when people who are extremely different work together on a daily basis. Whether it is a clash of personalities, a misunderstanding, or disagreement ... Views: 2547
An important element of personal development and improvement is receiving feedback and outside opinions. There are often barriers that we do not see ourselves that need to be identified by someone else. Behavior that may be unproductive and hindering may go completely noticed on our own until it ... Views: 1663
6 Ways to Make a Great First Impression
The saying, “You only get one chance to make a first impression” is used often because it is very true. When meeting someone for the first time, how you act and what you say has a considerable effect on the other person’s view of who you are. It can ... Views: 1227
When properly planned and executed, meetings can be an efficient way to share information or solve problems. When meetings are disorganized, scheduled without reason, too often, or not often enough, they become a waste of time and energy, and are a frustration to everyone. Meetings can be a very ... Views: 2511
Everyone wants to have a voice, and have their opinions heard and acknowledged. This can be difficult, due to the fact that everyone wants to have their opinions heard, and a lot of the time, no one wants to listen! We may find ourselves in a situation with a group of outspoken people and our ... Views: 1161
Meeting someone for the first time can be very unnerving, whether it is a business client, a date, or someone who approaches you in at a social function. Trying to maintain an interesting conversation, remaining composed, and finding common interests can be extremely difficult, and even those ... Views: 10377
The interview is over, and you wait patiently to hear back from the hiring manager. You were prepared, you have an impressive resume, and you answered all the questions with confidence. A week later you call back, and they have given the job to another candidate.
You are having drinks, ... Views: 2932