The human tendency to adapt as life changes swirl around us, or to stand pat by holding to the past even when doing so is self-defeating - begins when we are infants. Our personality patterns, values, attitudes, expectations and all the rest jelled when we were deciding who we are, what life is ... Views: 2383
When we use existential as in existential psychology, existential alienation or an existential vacuum, we the authors mean only that the topic under discussion relates to the satisfying, mediocre or disappointing lifestyle men and women choose or have thrust upon them by society. For us, ... Views: 3458
The attitudes we hold play a crucial part in the way children think of themselves and others, as well as what they plan on achieving in life.
THE SUPERIORITY ATTITUDE (I'm all right but you are not.) The first assumption that parents are superior and that children are inferior beings, is ... Views: 1814
When life fails to bring us consistent satisfaction, when our weaknesses withhold from us the ego satisfaction we crave, most persons create fantasies that ease the pain caused by the near universal life-style dilemma of uncertainty. This allows each fearful person ... Views: 3029
As anthropologist/priest Tielhard de Chardin expressed so brilliantly, life in the universe is no accident -- no one time collision of random factors that led eventually to humankind's appearance on this lovely planet circling an insignificant yellow star, out on the edge of a very common ... Views: 1524
Human sexuality is God's great psychospiritual gift to loving women and men who mature beyond narcissism and selfishness, who open their arms and hearts to each other as lovers for life. Unfortunately, sexuality is also a common weapon of choice that is used by twisted and wicked psychopaths ... Views: 1848
How can anyone with the brain of a cockroach make such a stupid statement?
So rang out the scorn of a killer talk show host on a television station in Cleveland. When I was on tour in his city, John Kelly quoted Leo Derocher who said just the opposite -- “Nice guys finish last.” Kelly also ... Views: 2126