What is brainwave entrainment?
Brainwave entrainment is the practice of aligning the mind’s wavelengths to a specific frequency, most often for medical or healing benefits. Hints of the use of brainwave entrainment can be found all throughout history, dating as far back as shamanic rituals in ... Views: 1885
What is brainwave entrainment?
Brainwave entrainment is the practice of aligning the mind’s wavelengths to a specific frequency, most often for medical or healing benefits. Hints of the use of brainwave entrainment can be found all throughout history, dating as far back as shamanic rituals in ... Views: 1094
Our vibration creates our reality”
After 20 years of performing sacred dance and teaching movement and sound healing it has become very clear that we can create our own reality through embodying our consciousness in form.
Our vibration is the key. It is our energetic pathway to ... Views: 1080
Joy is a gift of the goddess – a virtue of the feminine principle – an emotion that has the power to neutralize a situation, transcend negativity and spread positive energy to those around us. Feminine energy is magnetic in nature and has the power of attraction; joy is one of the natural ... Views: 1252
The 2012 enlightenment gateway is upon us. Many are beginning to feel on an energetic level the deeper awakening of consciousness that is occurring. As we continue to move towards December 2012 and beyond, the hearts of humanity are going through an ascension process, an energetic shift
from ... Views: 1250