The reasons to avoid high fructose corn syrup continue to mount. There is little doubt in my mind that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is one of the most toxic chemicals to find its way into our restaurants, supermarkets and even health food stores. It has replaced sugar in many processed foods ... Views: 1037
Hormones can be implanted under the skin using a method developed over 60 years ago. After injecting a local anesthetic, a small incision is made in the skin of the lateral buttock. Tiny pellets made of bioidentical forms of estrogen and testosterone are placed through the incision into the ... Views: 1359
Diverticulosis, otherwise known as diverticular disease is the condition of having outpocketings of the colonic mucosa and submucosa through weaknesses of muscle layers in the colon wall. Diverticuli develop in the majority of people in industrialized societies as they get older, most likely due ... Views: 1375
Coronary angiograms are injections of dye into the arteries of the heart to visualize blockages. Access to these arteries is obtained through the femoral artery, located in the groin. Well over a million of these procedures are performed every year in the United States.
The purpose of the ... Views: 1061
Seizures do not cause brain injury. They are a consequence of brain injury. Unfortunately, medication therapy for seizures is customary, with the assertion by treating physicians that the drugs used will suppress seizures and protect the brain. What happens, however, is that the drugs ... Views: 1505
The Food and Drug Administration is enforcing regulations to ensure the safety of nutritional supplements. Within the next 1-2 years, supplement manufacturers will need to satisfy these requirements or go out of business. The cost of buying these supplements will substantially ... Views: 1555
There are many reasons to stop taking psychiatric drugs. One reason is to restore the range of normal human emotions that allow us to experience life. Psychiatric drugs blunt emotional responses, creating a zombie-like effect. In handling grief and pain, we are able to process and understand ... Views: 1166
The most important medicine is preventive, keeping illness from happening instead of waiting until it occurs. It is less costly, and more effective, to anticipate problems and work to keep them from happening, than to have to address illnesses that may be incurable.
Efforts to ensure a ... Views: 985
We have great success in preventing and reversing osteoporosis. Most women and many men are at risk for osteoporotic bone fractures as they get older. Osteoporosis, or thinning of the bones, occurs with the hormonal deficiency of menopause, lack of exercise, weight loss, cigarette smoking, ... Views: 1746
A doctor friend recently asked me if our Institute for Progressive Medicine was ahead of the curve of medical practice today, and if I thought our methods were economical, or were so expensive that only the rich could afford them. I told him that we are ahead of the curve, that our philosophy ... Views: 956