Affiliate Marketing can be the easiest route to earning a good income online for the novice home business starter. With low start up costs and no extra overheads, it's as near to operating a "free" business as you can get. You sell other people's products, they ship the goods, handle customer ... Views: 1009
You may be thinking that the title of this article is too dramatic... But in actual fact it's extremely accurate!
Any Doctor will tell you that chronic stress conditions lead to thousands of serious illnesses and deaths every single year. A situation that appears to worsen as the pressures of ... Views: 1180
Are you fed up with doing the same thing every day, feeling depressed, lethargic, usually miserable, knowing you will be doing the same thing, and feeling just as depressed tomorrow? Do you need to find ways of improving your life?
If you are seemingly "stuck in a rut" and obviously not ... Views: 1366
You would be amazed at how many of us lack self confidence and actually have quite a low opinion of ourselves, believing that we are incapable of achieving any success, and so willingly bend to other peoples' will to keep them happy, rather than ourselves.
There is usually no valid reason for ... Views: 869
Often when people find out that I am a Hypnotherapist, they will make comments such as "you couldn´t hypnotise me" or "you don ´t make people behave like chickens do you?" Both comments are entirely understandable, but also completely inaccurate.
Firstly, anyone can be hypnotized provided ... Views: 947
The first thing to recognise is that fear is normal. There are many things that generate appropriate feelings of fear within us all. Some part of us recognizes danger and reacts accordingly. These feelings get us to avoid unreasonable risks and motivate us to change things. Sometimes however, ... Views: 1131
I wish I had a dollar for every time someone had said to me, alternative therapies, don´t believe in them, all that "new fangled", "new age" stuff. Indeed, when I first started as a therapist, doctors regarded me with great suspicion and would certainly have voted to have me burnt at the stake ... Views: 1717
Or maybe you are just interested in finding "your dream"?
Trouble is, you can't really hope to find your dream, until you have found "yourself"... To be more specific, what do YOU really want, and aside from health and happiness, what exactly is the "dream" that you want?
One of the most ... Views: 1084
Do you feel stressed out and tired when you get home from work, don't feel like playing with the kids, or walking the dog etc? Maybe you've had a hard day's shopping, it's cold and wet outside, and you just want to slip into a hot bath and DO NOTHING for the rest of the evening. Sounds ... Views: 1032
More importantly, why do you need it, and how can you get it?
Now I'm not talking here about how pretty you look in the mirror, although obviously appearance does play a part in your interaction with other people. Thing is, you need to understand that you can't reasonably hope to succeed in ... Views: 3030
First let me tell you that I was extremely reluctant to write this, but my family and friends have persistently nagged me since they can't believe the ransformation in me over the last couple of years.
For my part, whilst extremely happy with my life now (I feel great!), I am a little ... Views: 1227