When you attend a public speaking course, make sure they’ve got this covered.
There are many courses out there. Based on my own experience of attending some of these and what others tell me, some very damaging teaching styles are sometimes used, like:
Videos of participants presenting are ... Views: 1598
White boards are popular among presenters, especially for corporate presentations.
Here’s why I prefer to avoid them and use a flip-chart instead (also read here why I avoid PowerPoint: ... Views: 1622
I recently did a poll where I asked participants which speaker/presenter behaviours they find most annoying or off-putting.
Here’s what they said:
1. Talking for long periods of time without a break or engaging the audience.
2. Talking too fast.
3. Using language (concepts. ... Views: 1144
There are many ways to sink a presentation:
** Standing with your back to the audience
** Droning on and on and on (and on)
** Waffling and rambling
** Having information-overload slides
** Being arrogant and superior
** Moving around like a tennis ball at Wimbledon
These can all ... Views: 1155
It seems that PowerPoint has become the standard when presenting, especially in the corporate world. This despite the fact that most slides are as boring as the screen they’re displayed on, with way too much information. No wonder there’s a collective sigh in the audience ... Views: 1250