In the spirit of leaving dormant any Deipnophobia, which is strangely enough the fear of dinner conversations, I’d like to discuss the subject of hierarchy when it comes to speaking and communication. In my view, there’s a vastly unexplored or undistinguished hierarchy to communication, speaking ... Views: 665
Context and Premise: Without intending to turn public speakers into actors or performers, the validity and power of acting skills can be demonstrated time and time again within my coaching and directing experience. A good speaker is a good performer no question about it! Performance skills, ... Views: 1029
Context and Premise: Self-confidence has long been thought of as an important determinant of performance, aliveness, and fulfillment. Self-confidence for the most part is viewed as a feeling. Inner strength comes to mind or a person's belief that he or she can succeed. This generates feelings of ... Views: 1488
Human beings organize their behavior as a function of the milieu they are in or think they are in. Seldom, do we realize that it is the milieu that controls our behavior patterns, not the behavior itself. Our overall demeanor at a bar is different than at work, at home with our children or while ... Views: 4129