Why did I write this book and why now? For years, my readers of The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women: A Portable Mentor (Conari Press) have written me asking for a follow-up book and a special Journal book too. Well, both of your wishes have come true as this new book is out already and the ... Views: 1851
What is prosperity for you? A key element in the Positive Choices strategy is the addition of positive choices to your life that reflect your prosperity goals. Prosperity for most people is not simply money in the bank. Your health, peace of mind, and well-being all count. Think about ... Views: 5201
Work has the potential to be a vehicle for your creative self-expression as well as cover your expenses. A key success strategy is to choose work that suits your talents and lifestyle and reflects your passion as well. In this topsy-turvy work culture, where reliance on others for job security ... Views: 1687
Ah, the fantasies . . . make your own hours, invent your own rules, choose your own associates, express your creativity, and make unlimited money. These are the dreams of the aspiring self-employed. Yet, if you interview people who have built a profitable business, they will tell you about the ... Views: 1357
Our discussion here will highlight developing your presentation and meeting skills. These two areas offer you a chance to demonstrate your leadership competence, organizational and project management abilities, and facilitation mastery. As I said before, if these activities are not currently in ... Views: 1061
Passivity is out; speaking up is no longer an optional skill. Successful people are both vocal and visible. Even if you’ve managed to avoid communication challenges to date, you will most likely not be able to cower in the back room much longer. Whether you’re called upon to make a presentation ... Views: 1086
Worried that you’re not creative? You are, but you may be out of touch with it. Your intuition can lead you into a world of novel ideas, experimentation, and brainstorming that will perk up your work life and stimulate innovation and problem-solving. Intuition training is not just for New Agers. ... Views: 1355
Before you embark on a partnership or alliance for yourself or if you’re in one already, take the time to complete the following Challenge. While this is a lengthy exercise, it will increase your awareness of your natural abilities and vulnerabilities in collaborative relationships. Successful ... Views: 1150
As you know, there is nothing more boring than sitting through a meeting that is pointless or unfocused. It’s a common time waster. Meetings are also very costly in terms of time and productivity. So if you’re called upon to run a meeting, the first question you should ask yourself is, “Is this ... Views: 1882
After an unsuccessful nine-month job search, Darlene Dawson, a former vice-president of a bank mortgage department, knew she was stuck. Darlene lost her job in the midst of a take-over. She opted against outplacement assistance because she was sure she'd be hired quickly elsewhere. Now she feels ... Views: 1384
The progressive realization of worthy goals propels you towards that vision of prosperity. The addition of positive choices everyday improves the quality of your journey? So, why not get started? In case you’re a procrastinator, here are eight tips to help you begin:
1.) Acknowledge that ... Views: 1948
We know we are creative beings. Yet, we are also well aware that sometimes our creativity stalls, plays tricks on us, or appears to have vanished completely. It is at those moments that we need to reconnect with our vitality around our creative process or project and leverage our inspirational ... Views: 1536
You know that you are a creative person. After all, you run a business. You have the ability to do innovative work and to make new connections between ideas, which is the key dynamic of the creative process. Yet, sometimes our creativity stalls, plays tricks on us, or appears to have vanished ... Views: 864
We are living in a time of unprecedented choices and a myriad of new options. Many of my clients are asking me: "Do I need a blog?" "Should I join Facebook or Linked In?" "How does online marketing work?" "What kinds of products should I create? "How do I best use my creative energy?"
These are ... Views: 1028
Are you haunted by unfinished creative projects or dreams? Make a list of the major ones. Are you still interested in pursuing one or more of them? Note which projects/pathways, if any, are still compelling to you. Creativity is about magnetism and commitment.
If you are not going to move ahead ... Views: 1550