Intuition is part of consciousness; however, it is not pure consciousness. Developing our intuition is vitally important if we wish to be free and KNOW that we KNOW. Logic has nothing to do with intuition, nor does so-called common sense.
As we melt away the ice of duality, we can then tap ... Views: 2393
Please NEVER underestimate the power of the spoken word. This may sound familiar. "In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God. The WORD was God. And all things were made by the WORD. Without the WORD was not anything made that was made."
Here, the good book clearly teaches us ... Views: 2154
We have a powerful message for you this week on Goal setting that, when used, will powerfully help you realize your dreams. All it takes is focus, attention, and six simple steps.
Over the years, I have written about many different topics to help you be happier and to keep you in a high, ... Views: 2058
BRAIN POWER Our Genie to Success
Article By Michele Blood
Hello my friend,
Over the last few years, there has been an explosion of Revolutionary Neuroscience Research discoveries that at last are proving scientifically what us metaphysicians (positive thinking teachers) have been teaching ... Views: 6731
How to Write a Book in just 3-30days even if you can’t type.
By Michele Blood!
(Everyone’s Got a Book or product in them; You Do Too!)
Hello my friend,
Do you have a book in you?
Well, I feel that everybody has a book in them. It’s just a matter of when you’re going to ... Views: 10287