During a recent masterminding session I attended via web conference with fellow online solopreneurs, we discussed the topic of 'Growing Successfully'. We were asked to come up with the analogy of what our business would look like if it were a tree. I immediately envisioned the maple tree in my ... Views: 1274
Most small business owners realize at some point that they can no longer continue to ‘do it all’ as they once did when starting out. This usually happens when they are established and their business becomes successful. They are busy doing what they do best and find it necessary to start ... Views: 1846
I've had many interesting conversations with business owners who are at a point in their business where they know they need help and are looking for a Virtual Assistant (VA). At those times when I'm not taking on new clients, I have offered assistance in a different way - as more of an advisor. ... Views: 1311
As entrepreneurs, most of us have prepared a well-thought out business plan. It is essential if you are looking for any sort of financial assistance when starting up and will keep you focused while building your business. Having a plan to follow will also increase your chances of success. ... Views: 2305
What does the power of intention mean to you? Do you use this power to achieve your goals? Does it work for you? How does it work? To me, the power of intention is simply a plan, a positive attitude and action and most importantly, it only works if I write my intention down. Here are a ... Views: 1258
Are you unorganized and overwhelmed? Is your work area a disaster zone with papers strewn across your desk, no processes in place to complete daily tasks and excessive information coming at you both online and off?
The problem is that this state of physical and mental disorganization and ... Views: 1379
Are you at the point of overwhelm in your business? Do you have so many clients or commitments that you're not sure how you're going to meet everyone's demands? With too many commitments the quality of your work can suffer along with your good reputation and sanity. Does this overwhelm spill ... Views: 1514
One of the most common challenges I hear from small business owners is that they do not have enough time to focus on what's really important in their business. In order to solve this problem you first have to determine why this is a challenge. Once this is clear, you can look at strategies to ... Views: 1435
If you have ever signed up on a website to receive information in the form of a free report, newsletter or ebook and had this delivered to your inbox, you have experienced the pink spoon. A pink spoon is a 'free taste' of what a business has to offer. It is like the ice cream franchise that ... Views: 1220
Do you have a process you follow that keeps your home office organized? Do you document your expenses monthly or throw your receipts into a shoebox? When tax time comes, will your records be in order? Do you manage your emails daily or is your inbox out of control? It is much easier to ... Views: 1443
Business owners can get stuck in the area of Revenue Generating activities. This initially seems like a good thing, however, it's important to devote time to other aspects of running a business to enable you and your business to grow and prosper and the cycle of Revenue Generating activities to ... Views: 825
September is about new beginnings - back to school, back to work and new routines. In North America, September always seems to be the unofficial new year. As we leave behind the fun and frolic of summer and refocus on our businesses, it's likely time to revise our schedules as well. So here's to ... Views: 1039
Reading is one of my all-time favourite activities and something I have rediscovered recently. I love finding a quiet space and losing myself in a novel. I've missed this little escape in my day. Now my girls are big enough to choose their own books from the library, it gives me the chance to ... Views: 984
Ever find yourself saying something like, "When this is done, then I'll [fill in leisure activity here]". But you repeat this until you're too exhausted to do that leisure activity? Does being organized really give you the freedom you're looking for? When your list of to-do's is unending and ... Views: 1110
Designated home office and business development time are essential for the small business owner. This is the time you can concentrate on your business - plan for the week ahead, learn new skills or software and in effect allow you to serve your clients better and run your business more ... Views: 1114
When I get approached by newbie or wannabe VA's, they want to know how to get started, how I got started and if I need help. I think it's great that the VA profession is becoming more widely recognized. If you've read my bio you have an idea how I got here, but to elaborate on that, here's my ... Views: 790
Article marketing is a long term marketing strategy that helps position you as an expert in your niche and generate more traffic to your website. There are a number of guidelines to follow when writing and submitting articles, and although it is not difficult, it is a multi-step process and ... Views: 775
Everyone is an expert at something. Whatever product or service you provide in your business is your area of expertise. Writing articles about what you are an expert at and distributing those articles online through various article submission directories is a valuable marketing strategy called ... Views: 749
When was the last time you updated your testimonials? Do you have a following of raving fans that only you know about? You should have a smattering of testimonials on your website or throughout your marketing materials, sales pages or within your newsletter. If not then it's time to get to ... Views: 806
As a small business owner you are involved in all aspects of your business from bookkeeping and marketing to customer service. At some point you realize that it is no longer possible to do it all and still grow your business. How do you know when it's time to stop trying to do it all yourself? ... Views: 1041
Do you have bad habits in your business? Are there things you repeatedly do just out of habit? You know you could be holding yourself back from success but you continue making excuses. I'm sure you've heard the quote by Tony Robbins, "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've ... Views: 859
If you would like to try something new and fun that can help you as a business owner, try taking an improv class. It may not be what first comes to mind as a traditional learning environment for the purpose of developing new skills, but what you will discover about yourself in the process is ... Views: 1718
If you don't follow a schedule you may start your day by sitting down at your desk wondering what you will do today. You will not be productive and likely not accomplish anything important.
Let's say you start with checking email and get sidetracked forgetting the world outside of your inbox ... Views: 1631
As a small business owner there is usually one activity that you find you are spending (or wasting) too much time on. This activity is probably a necessary part of your business, however, it is preventing you from getting to the really important stuff.
What is your top time waster? What is ... Views: 1103
If you live in a climate with long, cold winters, then you know all about the February Blues or 'Blahs'. It's the time of year when we've had enough of hibernating inside away from the cold and often dreary outdoors, short days and lack of sunshine. As solopreneurs we spend a lot of time on our ... Views: 5039