As a Coach for Attention Deficit Disorder Adults, I am continually struck by the fantastic beliefs that so many of those with ADHD / ADD have about the 'rest of the world' - people who are not ADD.
It seems that many people with ADD think that other people carry around a magic internal clock, ... Views: 2104
You CAN Develop a Time Sense
If you're like most people with ADD, you probably have some kind of challenges around time. You may be late for appointments, or can't meet deadlines, or try to get too much done at once. Strategies to overcome these hurdles should ... Views: 1733
When to 'Just Do It!'
Those of us with Attention Deficit Disorder know that our
ADD brain-wiring doesn't respond to what we 'should' do.
Unless we're really interested in a task, we have a pretty
hard time staying focused on it for any ... Views: 1622
Top Ten Strategies for Getting Things Done with ADD
1. Commit to one vision. You may have many brilliant ideas and plans, but without implementation, none are worth much. Choose ONE idea to flesh out and commit to. Write it down in detail. Picture exactly where you’d like to be with that ... Views: 2489