Ah, rejection! No one likes it, but everyone has felt it at one time or another. Rejection comes in many forms: romantic relationships, contests, writer’s group critiques, friendships, job interviews or credit applications. Some people feel depressed about it, while others grow angry or ... Views: 2031
In states that do not explicitly exempt Reiki from jurisdiction by the Massage Board, Reiki sometimes raises the ire of people who would prefer to have it regulated. Reasons can range from conservative religious groups looking for ways to minimize the proliferation of alternative spirituality ... Views: 6022
Millions of us grew up loving Mary Poppins. That staight-laced nanny who was "practically perfect in every way" certainly had a way of injecting fun into people's lives! From going to the bank to connecting new friends to the cartoon derby, Mary Poppins embodies the concepts of freedom through ... Views: 2061
Jill Bolte Taylor's popular TED video, best-selling book, and interview on Oprah have really started people talking. Suddenly, the silent experiences of millions of stroke and brain injury survivors have entered mainstream consciousness! As a TBI (traumatic brain injury) survivor and Intuitive ... Views: 3288
In my line of work, I have no lack of clients and students seeking to manifest more abundance in their lives. Better finances, better health, better relationships. Everyone wants something, and the universe encourages people to ask and receive. From The Prayer of Jabez to the Abraham-Hicks ... Views: 1284
Going vegetarian in college did not exactly bring me the surge in health and vitality that I’d expected. Far from it: my sinuses clogged, thoughts grew fuzzy, skin broke out, and periodically I developed the worst stomach pain ever! We’re talking writhing on the floor, Sigourney-Weaver-in-Alien ... Views: 2029
Black and naked (except for a necklace of 50 human heads)—hair wild and tongue out, Kali certainly knows how to make an entrance! Brandishing a sword and a human head in her two left hands, she destroys everything in her path and then dances maniacally upon the dead. In terror, awe and morbid ... Views: 2717