How Do I Begin Recovery?
“What will open the door is daily awareness and attention.”
……Was this my starting point? I certainly thought so. But I had already chosen these people to be in my life. I created the opportunity for those events to happen long before I knew ... Views: 1781
Chapter 3 Early Warning Signs
“Every patient carries her or his own doctor inside.”
--Albert Schweitzer
Your first and ongoing challenge is to not judge yourself. Merciless self-condemnation is a symptom of an eating disorder. You may have people in place who do that for you – that’s ... Views: 1503
Healing Your Hungry Heart: recovering from your eating disorder, By Joanna Poppink
Chapter 1 Unreal to Real: Snapshots of My Story
"Self-observation is an instrument of self-change, a means of awakening."
-- George Gurdjieff
I started making myself throw up when I was thirteen ... Views: 1346
I went to an all day seminar designed to help people lose weight at a very fancy hotel in the Los Angeles area today. I didn't stay long. So sad. The attendees were mostly fat, frightened women. The speakers, in my opinion, were using the platform to sell product and offer fast and easy ... Views: 1513
For the past two nights I've been watching Michael Jackson videos on youtube. Here are a few.
Beat It
Billy Jean
Michael Jackson & Brittany Spears live
From New York Times: ... Views: 3927
Hundreds of people have asked me why someone develops an eating disorder. Of course many issues are involved, but from my exploration of this field over the years, I have concluded that there is one outstanding theme that runs through every person with an eating disorder whom I have encountered. ... Views: 1660
At a certain stage in eating disorder recovery you discover new feelings that you don't act out over but don't understand. You have energy you don't know what to do with because you're not using it to binge or obsess. Old obsessive patterns that filled your time have fallen away, and you don't ... Views: 1388
If you are recovering from an eating disorder, whether it is bulimia, anorexia, compulsive overeating or binge eating, you are probably experiencing some upheaval in your personal relationships. You may not understand why your behavior and preferences in recovery are so upsetting to people in ... Views: 2461
Recovery is a continuing process. To start eating disorder recovery is to start a journey.
To be on that journey is to be on your path to health and emotional and intellectual development. Your path leads to your true self, to your inner resources of courage, creativity, self respect, strength ... Views: 1577