Do you sometimes experience pain in your abdomen? It may not be bad enough to seek immediate medical attention but may be persistent enough to wonder why you keep having it. I often have patients who call me with symptoms of abdominal pain and I explain that there can be many causes for it – ... Views: 3162
I’ve always counseled my patients about the need to keep a healthy weight. It not only makes you look and feel better but it decreases your risk for serious diseases. Many doctors, though, have shied away from telling their patients that they need to lose weight. Why? For one reason, patients ... Views: 1115
I have a few over-age-50 patients who are on the “frail” side. Though frailty is typically thought of as a condition that affects much older (over-age 70) adults, usually women, it isn’t always strictly associated with someone’s age. If you, or someone you know, are frail, let me tell you ... Views: 1576
I just recently got over a summer cold. I think it had to be one of the worst colds I’ve had in a long time. Maybe it just seemed worse because it’s summer and it put a real damper on all the things I like to do – swim, bicycle, baseball games, picnics, canoeing. It’s miserable sweating out a ... Views: 1020
One of the most frustrating, and embarrassing, things has to be those memory glitches that occur when you’re trying to recall information that you just can’t access. You may be having a conversation with someone and you’re trying to tell him or her the name of some actor in a movie or some ... Views: 1419
One of the most anxiety producing health issues for my patients concerns the impairment, or possible loss of, their vision as they get older. These vision changes can range from not being able to read fine print without glasses or more serious conditions, like retinal detachment, that can cause ... Views: 4259
One of the concerning issues faced by people over-age 50 is the gradual loss of muscle mass that starts to speed up past this age. The big medical term for this muscle mass loss is sarcopenia and it only gets worse if you don’t take measures to fight it. One of these measures is a naturally ... Views: 1048
It’s summer and stone fruits like peaches, plums and nectarines are in season and ripe for the picking. I always recommend to my patients, and my readers, that they eat more fruit, as they are full of healthy antioxidants, vitamins and fiber content. Now, I’d like to share with you two more ... Views: 1705
If you came into my office and asked me how you could create healthier, younger-looking skin, one of the things I would ask you about is your intestinal health. You may wonder what the connection is and this is what I’d tell you.
Beautiful Skin Reflects A Healthy Gut – Probiotics Can Help ... Views: 1477
Living in Florida, most of my patients, like myself, enjoy being out in the sun all year long. Now that it’s summer across the United States, you, too, are more likely to get out in the sun. I want to remind you, though, that when it comes to the relationship between your skin and the sun, ... Views: 964
You may have been hearing about the “Mediterranean diet” which has been buzzing all over the news lately. Touted to help you lose weight, lower cholesterol, boost immunity, and even help you live longer, you may be wondering, as are my patients, how you too can reap the benefits of this ... Views: 886
Research has shown that tinnitus can be caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency. B12 deficiency is also a common complication in diabetes and celiac disease as they both share the inability to absorb B12 properly. People who have celiac disease and type II diabetes also have higher rates of ... Views: 1796
Now and then a patient will come in with complaints of a nerve-wracking, constant ringing or other sounds in their ears. One patient even thought he had gotten an insect in his ear that was buzzing and causing him a lot of anxiety. No, nothing like that! That buzzing sound he was hearing is ... Views: 2071
In the last couple of months, several of my patients have asked me about using raspberries for weight loss. It’s true that ‘raspberry ketones’ has been a popular buzz phrase on television and the Internet as a substance that can, reportedly, actually force your fat cells to shrink and help you ... Views: 1473
I have one patient who, almost every spring, comes in with an inflamed, itchy, sometimes swollen and very uncomfortable sunburn-like rash on her face. At first it was a little tricky diagnosing the cause of her rash as there were several possibilities of what may have caused it. After ruling ... Views: 5336
Several of my patients have rheumatoid arthritis. Most of them also have a little extra poundage than I would like them to have. Many of them feel that it’s been their aching joints that have kept them from exercising more and so they have gained weight. However, looking back at their ... Views: 1179
Last week, a patient, Ted, came in saying he had been experiencing a funny, metallic taste in his mouth for a while and was worried that it may be serious. I explained to him that there were a number of possible reasons for him having this taste in his mouth but we’d do a complete exam and see ... Views: 5166
Sometimes I’ll see patients with the complaint that they’re having trouble swallowing, or a sensation that food is getting stuck in their throat and doesn’t go down easily. The medical term for this is a hard word to pronounce – dysphagia (dis-faj-ah) – and could stem from a number of causes. ... Views: 1091
Many of my patients tell me that they are under increased stress at work these days. Their stress seems to stem from several areas – working longer hours with heavier workloads with little-to-no increase in income. Because of the current economic conditions, many people are afraid to express ... Views: 879