Fear of change is overrated.
This quote from Ketzel Levine of NPR’s Morning Edition came at the end of her year long series on life changes. The career transitions chronicled on this radio program are astonishing – from doctor to real estate strategist, fireman to magician – and first hand ... Views: 1488
I have a long, bitter relationship with the fear of failure. As a recovering perfectionist, I tend to go straight to my worst imaginings (like total public humiliation) whenever I start to critique my own performance. But a funny thing happened the last time I grappled with this fear: I ... Views: 1166
Should you join a coaching group to help you get clear on a critical life decision?
Group coaching is both fun and daring: You lay it on the line with a group of like-minded people, develop a community of support, and get the benefit of group members’ varied experiences and perspectives. It ... Views: 1337
The wisdom of a preschooler may be just what you need to get unstuck! If you find yourself tangled in a problem that seems insurmountable, taking a playful, even ridiculous, look at the situation can give you the creative perspectives you need to move forward.
Watching my daughter the other ... Views: 1347
What happened to the time? When we are busy in our day-to-day lives, it sometimes seems that whole seasons pass in a blink. And the goals we have…well, they can easily slip by in that blur too. You want to WAKE UP: to get control of your time and meet your goals. But how?
In coaching we ... Views: 1227
Usual advice to entrepreneurs focuses on practicalities like learning to evaluate the market, write a business plan or raise money. But this assumption that we’ve already found the perfect idea or business opportunity is just plain wrong!
As a kid I dreamed that someday I would have my own ... Views: 1835