How does your child handle disappointment? What happens if they don’t win the game, election or friend? Do they want to quit the team when they’re not picked to play?
Have a Plan B
Resilience helps people deal with disappointments, stress, even trauma. Resilient people see an obstacle as a ... Views: 915
Many families today are blending members from past relationships. It would be easy to give up when faced with all the conflicting methods of parenting and discipline that come to a family who has joined forces together.
As I was doing research for a recent book, I interviewed a young counselor ... Views: 1343
Parents and the home environment are the most important parts of the equation of a well rounded education. It is in the home that the love of learning for learning’s sake takes place. Babies are born eager to learn, create, touch, explore and investigate their world. We want to offer an ... Views: 1329
“How do I teach my child social skills, when I don’t know how to make friends?” “How do you find time to maintain a friendship when life is so busy with work and kids?”
These are just some of the questions that were asked by adult participants about their own lack of intimate friends at my ... Views: 1047
Have you ever wondered what your destiny in life was? Did you ever ponder whether the road you were on was the one leading to fulfillment and happiness? Unlike so many of my friends and family, I have always had the sure knowledge of what was expected of me.
Under a tree with my teddy bears ... Views: 856
Loving your step- child can be both simple and hard. It is not enough for parents, step parents and extended family to feel a deep glow of love for the children in your circle of influence. You must convey that feeling into a message that is heard, felt and integrated by the child. Children ... Views: 2711
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
-Mother Theresa
Words can be deadly weapons or protective layers of love. They can bruise and batter a person, no matter how old, in the heart and spirit just like physical blows can cause damage to ... Views: 5540
Boundaries are like fence lines that protect the precious heart and soul inside our bodies. It is important when we build and maintain those lines of protection that we make decisions about what is and what isn’t permissible in all relationships.
Boundaries are valuable
It doesn’t matter how ... Views: 1424
Are You an Author-ity?
Judy H. Wright,
(word count 770)
The easiest way to become an expert, specialist, power to be reckoned with, a person of influence and someone deemed to know what they are talking about--in other words an authority--is to write a book.
For some ... Views: 892
Do you know how to compliment your child? Strangely enough, many parents don’t. If you only heard criticism growing up, you may need to learn the words and actions in order to build the self esteem and character of your child.
Combine the compliment with a smile or hug
Verbal language is ... Views: 5808
Have you ever wondered where destiny would lead you? Have you ever pondered whether the road you are taking would lead to fulfillment and happiness? Unlike so many of my friends and family, I have always had the sure knowledge of what was expected of me.
It was under a ... Views: 994