A starting point for organizing any room is to identify the function of the space. What kinds of activities are going to happen there? Those activities then guide your decision-making about what to keep in the space.
Bedrooms usually have three primary functions:
1. Rest
2. Changing ... Views: 1845
In my twelve years as a professional organizer I’ve run into many women who are still trying to keep house just like “Mom” did. So, what’s wrong with that? After all, Mom was the role model. There would be nothing wrong with that if Mom’s life was comparable to the lives of women ... Views: 1520
Easily the biggest piece of furniture in the room, the bed can have a profound impact on both the health of its occupants and the quality of the relationship of a couple. It is important to consider the comfort of the mattress and the history of the mattress and bed frame.
Your bed should be ... Views: 1990
As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, your goal in setting up your bedroom is to create a space that is completely conducive to sleep. The energy of smelly feet can only be distracting. Why is it that I so often find pairs of shoes strewn over bedroom floors?
I’m fairly certain that part of ... Views: 2393
Do you want to sleep peacefully? Do you want to have sweet dreams?
If so, it’s a good idea to become very conscious of what can influence you while you sleep. Most people have books and other reading material on their bedside tables. Some have a book or two and others have the equivalent ... Views: 2185
Have you been putting off opening those boxes that your mother handed over to you when she was cleaning out her attic, boxes full of papers, trinkets and treasures from your childhood? Many people shove those boxes in their own attics to deal with later. Why? Because they have the power to ... Views: 1648
Want to create a high performance environment? My guess is that you already know many of the characteristics listed below. But, you may need some incentive to motivate yourself to create that type of space. Here you go!
High performance environments are:
• Comfortable and make visitors ... Views: 1947
You’re standing in the doorway of your bedroom...
Pay attention to both your thoughts and feelings? Do you like what you see? Is it a peaceful place? Or, do you find yourself thinking, “What a mess! Who could get a good night’s sleep in this dump?” Are you feeling pleased, proud and happy ... Views: 1927
Feng shui teaches that everything is alive with energy. Everything. That means that you too are alive with energy. What kind of energy are you? When I evaluate environments for good feng shui I look for a feeling of harmony and balance, a predominance of positive energy, and few sources of ... Views: 1382
I make a living as a professional organizer. You’d think that it would have been a cinch for me to get organized to write my first book. Unfortunately, when it comes to enormous new projects that I’m scared to death to do, I need more than my organizing skills to get me going.
I had known ... Views: 1416