What is it about sales tools? Is it the way we introduce them, the way we conduct training for them, or the way we present them to sales professionals when they are first rolled out? I am not sure exactly what the issue is, but it doesn’t matter how good or how effective the tool is, if we as ... Views: 827
Just last week, one of my favorite clients received a major honor: She learned she is among just five associates in her Fortune 500 Company selected to present at the organization’s national sales conference. The event, which will be held in California this March, is attended by more than 3200 ... Views: 1167
Yesterday, my husband and I learned that our friends and neighbors, Tim and Sally, had received some tragic news: During a routine exam, a tumor was discovered, and Sally was in need of emergency surgery. Like so many of us, when we heard that our friends and loved ones were going through ... Views: 1102
You’ve heard the expression, “You’ve gotta have skin in the game,” right? Sure you have, and you know it means that in order to make something worth doing, you need to have a piece or part of the activity. Doing so ensures that you share in the success and/or failure of the outcome. When you put ... Views: 807
Do you set goals? I have to admit, early in my career there was nothing -- I mean nothing -- I hated more than goals. I dreaded that time of year when corporate would send down, from on high, their expectations of what they wanted and expected us to do. The goals were always high, always ... Views: 980
Let me first make a disclaimer: This blog is non-partisan. I am a registered Independent who can make a clear and logical argument as to why neither party is doing what needs to be done to get the economy moving, get our spending under control, and show true leadership in challenging times. In ... Views: 866
One question I get asked quite a bit is whether I have a business coach. Most people are surprised when they find out the answer is yes. I do have a coach and can't imagine where my career would be without one.
Why does that surprise people, and most often, really surprise my clients? I think ... Views: 847
I woke up this morning glad to be back to my routine: coffee, breakfast, a little news and a workout! It felt good, after the holiday, to be back to normal. As I started the coffee, still waking up, the lead story on the morning news caught my ear; partly because it was refreshingly positive and ... Views: 1000
This past weekend I was down at REI buying a new watch; one that would track my heart rate, my calorie count and all these other fitness-oriented things, in addition to telling me what time it is. My fitness trainer told me I needed this watch, to go with my new fitness routine and my commitment ... Views: 877
Success today is not something that happens to other people; it is not out of your grasp; believe me, the deck is not stacked against you; and yes, no matter your definition, if you want it (success), you can have it!
A few weeks ago I was up early fixing coffee, and I had just turned the ... Views: 882
A year ago I made the decision that I wanted -- no, I needed -- new carpet in my home. Believe me, it was time. So that very day I started the process. I found a few hours in my insanely busy schedule and got to work shopping for carpet. I started online, but that was just too hard. There was no ... Views: 1193
Ever wonder why people tell you they cannot afford health insurance while you are sitting there watching the game on their massive flat screen television? Or why people pay a premium price to live inside a gated community that is inside a gated community? Or why you drive by a beat up old ... Views: 1222
My husband and I just started cycling about six months ago. We love it -- but while it is fun, it is a little frustrating. Believe me, we have been making progress: increasing our speed and distance. But it feels like despite six months of riding two to three times per week, we are still ... Views: 882
You are busy! Not sure when the change happened, or when exactly the pace of our lives ramped up so drastically into this total chaos and insanity, but you, I and everyone else I know, we are way over-scheduled with far too much to do. In this age of so much white noise, getting your message in ... Views: 1029
We all know that the most important issue to be discussed, kept front and center and consistently focused on is the customer. But once you make sure you have that base covered, you need to devote your time and energy to taking a look at what is happening outside of your business. What is going ... Views: 1668
These past few months I have been interviewing CEOs for my latest book, Winning in The Trust & Value Economy: A Guide To Business and Sales Success. The idea for the book came to me as I watched the gap widen, in the last few years, between struggling and successful companies. One of my ... Views: 867
The rallying cry in the business world today is “Do More With Less!” You hear those words in every corporate board room, sales meeting, and on every conference call. With the economy changing, competition increasing and margins tightening, we have come to believe that the only way to succeed in ... Views: 1347
Last week I was the MC and the motivational speaker for a MEGA Networking event. I had the opportunity to watch more than 100 people spend more than four hours making connections, exchanging business cards and learning about each others' businesses.
Each person left that day with at least 80 ... Views: 763
When I was a child, television dramas could drag out a story line for months. When our hero or heroine was double-crossed, it would take an entire season before the real culprit was caught; or you could wait multiple episodes before you saw the "perfect couple" actually fall in love. We were ... Views: 826
Last week, I hit a milestone. As a motivational speaker, I performed for an audience of more than 1500. As a keynoter, this is my largest audience to date. Until now most of my speaking engagements have been to audiences more the size of 500.
For me, this was a goal (to perform on a bigger ... Views: 783
I was speaking at an event last week in South Carolina, when someone asked a great question. He was struggling. Given the shifts in this economy, more demanding clients, and increased competition, he felt overwhelmed and challenged on where to focus and what to do to build his ... Views: 854
Does it feel like the economy is just one more thing working against you, just one more thing keeping you from being successful?
The fact is, the economy has shifted, it is different, and times have changed.This is a trust and value economy. It has changed so much so that you have to ask ... Views: 998
Last week I was doing a presentation on Winning In The Trust & Value Economy for Environmental Data Resources, a Connecticut company providing solutions to manage environmental risk, when I got a great question from the audience.
The question, if I can paraphrase, was, "Why, if these ... Views: 870
I was doing a radio show last week, The Networking CEO, discussing how to win in the Trust and Value Economy, when the host, Patty Farmer, asked me why I named my business MotionFirst.
I love that question! Because it gives me a chance to talk about one of my core beliefs, what I like to ... Views: 837
Do you ever wonder why people who have all the knowledge in the world continue to make bad choices? Why others seem to be able to easily overcome any obstacle and any challenge with which they are faced? Why some people can easily ignore their sweet tooth, and others who truly want to ignore it ... Views: 936
Yes, it is true: if you want to succeed in today’s economy, you need a Ron Paul on your sales team. You’ve heard me say it over and over: this economy has changed, it is a different time and it calls for a different type of sales person. This is what I call a "Trust and Value Economy". If you ... Views: 1066
To be successful today, a great product and great service just aren't enough anymore. In fact they're just your bare minimum--your ticket to entry if you even want to have any customers. In today's market, if you don't provide either one of those, you won't be in business very long. It is tough ... Views: 852
I am on a mission! I want you to love to sell. I want you to learn how to do it, love using the word, and enjoy the sales experience. Selling is the one skill you need in today's economy to put you in control of your success. When you know how to sell, and sell correctly, you put yourself in the ... Views: 1074