Whether you call it a “senior moment” or a “mind glitch,” the truth is that as we get older our memory and thought processes are just not what they used to be. A friend of mind claims that for the past ten years she hasn’t remembered the name of any new person she met. Another describes those ... Views: 1455
Many say the first year after the loss of a loved is the hardest but most people find that different seasons or dates bring up sadness and feelings of grief years after our loved one has died. There are things we can do to ease our pain during these seasons of sadness no matter when they ... Views: 2002
We live in paradoxical times…at the same time our country has been instilled with a new sense of hope; every day we hear more bad news of our growing economic downturn. If we have not lost a job or a retirement plan, we know someone who has. We try to be optimistic but many of us feel a growing ... Views: 874
What do these women have in common?
• A young mother overwhelmed with caring for both a newborn and a two year old
• A college student who realizes she is not as passionate about her major as she thought
• A manager who feels she is not connecting with those who report to her
• A daughter ... Views: 1332
Whether you are laid off, let go, or your company has closed its doors, the new buzz phrase is that you are in “job or career transition.” The good news is that being in transition is much more positive and powerful than simply being unemployed. Unfortunately, many people in transition are ... Views: 1236
Loneliness is feeling empty inside. It is a feeling of separateness and isolation. It is a feeling of being out of touch with other human beings. People experience loneliness when they do not have someone to depend on, a close family, a group of friends, or relationships with people at work or ... Views: 4514