Couples often seek therapy at a point in which their relationship is polarized by reactivity and power struggles are making connection extremely difficult. Trapped in impasses that they are unable to fix on their own, they seek counseling with the hope of finding a new direction.
Many couples ... Views: 873
Human beings are like sponges...from the monent we are born, we take in information, and most of this information affects us on some level. Everything that we see, experience and decide molds our self-concept. We have all been hurt, disappointed or rejected at some point in our lives. ... Views: 765
Procrastination can be defined as an automatic habit pattern in which an individual needlessly puts off, postpones or delays relevant activity until another date or time in the future. In this mindset, you are likely to tell yourself that "later is better" or that you'll get to the task at hand ... Views: 1093
In our current economic climate, many people are finding themselves in unpleasant financial constraints. The recently laid-off, downsized or demoted are trying to cope with the new financial realities.
A 2008 survey conducted by the American Psychological Association found that 81% of people ... Views: 729
Self-esteem can be a confusing term…and I often work with my clients to carefully boil down what it means to them. Self-esteem simply means accepting and appreciating yourself for who you are…faults and all!
Individuals with a healthy self-esteem are able to feel good about themselves for who ... Views: 990
Below are some straightforward tips which often come up in my individual and couples therapy sessions, focused on building a strong relationship bond. As many of us are aware, divorce is a common occurrence today
Make a concerted effort to talk openly, honestly and more often. This isn’t easy ... Views: 783