Are you in “Does he like me? Does he not like me?” mode.
Well, stop.
Women are more creative than men. They tell men "we’re interested in 50 different ways". Men are not that creative – they hate communicating in a layered manner.
When you think men, think Adam Sandler. They’ll whine for ... Views: 14209
Dating is hard, but it is even more difficult to tell if a guy likes you. You may not want to put yourself out there without being surer that your feelings are going to be reciprocated. That is completely understandable, but if you are not willing to take a chance by asking him how you can tell ... Views: 13330
Falling in love is a wonderful feeling, but there is just one problem. How do you know that he loves you back? If you are at a point in your relationship where neither one of you has said those magical three little words aloud, you might be wondering whether he feels the same way about you as ... Views: 6615
Whether you are married or dating, cheating can be devastating. As hard as it may be to believe that she is being unfaithful, sometimes it's important to take a step back and look at your relationship objectively. If your significant other is acting strange, and your relationship just isn't ... Views: 10796
Cheating is the ultimate betrayal of trust, and it can be devastating if you are still fully committed to your relationship. Although infidelity is sometimes obvious, in many cases it comes as a complete surprise, leaving you feeling heartbroken and confused. Cheaters rarely admit their ... Views: 3181
Falling in love can be a wonderful thing. However, starting a relationship can also be very tricky for most men. This is mostly because a lot of men cannot tell if the girl they're interested in feels the same way as they do. So if you see yourself in this kind of situation, here are some good ... Views: 6513
The reason why a lot of people end up in broken and failed relationships is because they simply fail to see and recognize the signs before the break-up happens. Hence, couples who are experiencing rough waters should be very sensitive and observant for these specific signs. Read on if you want ... Views: 1012
One of the main reasons why a lot of relationships fail is incompatibility. A lot of men and women rush into relationships without even making the effort to examine if they are compatible with their partners or not.
Compatibility does not necessarily require for you and your partner to be ... Views: 1657
All people who dream of having a baby wonder whether someday they'll have a girl or a boy. The gender of the child is one of the biggest and most interesting mysteries expectant parents face as they begin to enter a new and exciting phase of their lives. Ultrasounds are typically inconclusive ... Views: 1526
Lot's of women want to know the signs to look for when they suspect that they are pregnant. There are quite a few symptoms that a woman needs to look out for if she suspects that she might be pregnant. Of, if she wasn't planning a pregnancy and she experiences these signs, then she should ... Views: 872
There are several pregnancy symptoms before missed period that women may experience. In most instances, it is challenging for women to establish the fact that they are pregnant prior to the absence of their menstrual cycle. However, there are several subtle signs that could indicate that you ... Views: 6442
How can you tell if you're depressed? It sounds like a stupid question, but a surprising number of us may not recognize the signs of depression, although one in ten people will experience a severe depressive episode in their life. Many of us are afraid to speak of depression. This stigma ... Views: 1028
Bipolar disorder is a medical condition in which a patient experiences extreme mood swings. He can go from happy to irritable to depressed or irritable and depressed without a plausible reason. There are four types of bipolar disorder:
i) Bipolar disorder Type I is a condition in which the ... Views: 2272
The whole point of a color personality test is to measure your personality. By doing something as straightforward as picking your favorite colors, it is possible to actually determine not only your present state of emotions, but so much more. For instance, a color personality test is said to be ... Views: 6165
For most sexually active women, a missed period can mean only one thing: pregnancy. This possibility can be either a welcome or an unwelcome development depending on one's mental readiness for procreation.
However, pregnancy is not the only reason that women experience a missed period. ... Views: 877
Most people understand that an IQ test is designed to measure their intelligence. They also understand that a low IQ can refer to how unintelligent someone is. As a matter of fact, when someone is trying to describe another person in almost vicious terms, they will make note that a person or a ... Views: 1459
You think you are ready to walk down the aisle and say "I do," but you want to make absolute sure that this is the person you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with. Look through this list of the top signs of marriage compatibility. How well suited do you think you really are to each ... Views: 2142
It's not easy to guess a woman's true feelings if she doesn't tell you out loud how she feels about you. Dating someone new or trying to ask your crush out for the first time can be nerve-racking if you have no idea whether she feels the same way about you. Women use body language a lot more ... Views: 11298
There's that cute guy again. You think he may be looking at you, but is he really? If he is looking at you, what exactly does that mean? Do you have something stuck between your teeth or are your skinny jeans just a little too tight today? If you are often caught with these thoughts running ... Views: 14796