The Center for Disease Control (CDC) released a study showing a high increase of antidepressant use over the past 15 years. It also reflected a 400 percent increase in usage among adults 18-44 years of age, according to the website Psychiatric Times.
“The wrong people are on antidepressants ... Views: 624
Depressed women prescribed with antidepressant medication such as Zoloft are prone to greater risk of suffering from stroke, according to a recent clinical study published in the journal Stroke Magazine.
Dr. Kathryn Rexrode, an internist of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston is the senior ... Views: 2266
About 40 to 50 percent of patients who survive a stroke develop a post-stroke depression according to the website. Strokes vary in their effect, depending on the amount of tissue damage. The difficulty finding words to paralysis, weakness, loss of motor control, and disturbance ... Views: 755
There are many contributing factors to depression, medical experts say. In women, for example, the contributing influences may vary---from reproductive hormones to social pressures as response to stress. Doctors also believe that hormonal balance or imbalance may be evident during puberty, ... Views: 687
Depression in children is noticeably rising as a longitudinal study conducted by the Washington University School of Medicine. Preschool children with Major Depression Disorder (MDD) is already with the same number of that from school-aged children according to a study Antidepressant ... Views: 1468