Can you tell the difference between a person who is being selfish or mean on purpose and someone who can’t seem to see or help their own behavior? The one-upping, boasting, reporting over-inflated achievements or constant put downs can be socially immature personalities at play. More often it is ... Views: 1413
Be mine. That printed phrase on candy hearts reads so sweetly. How thrilled and happy does that message make you feel? The ringing telephone. The words of endearment. The promise of acceptance is enough to make most hearts melt like the candy itself at the thought of it.
But there is sadly ... Views: 940
Not all verbal abuse is name calling, shouting or accusations. The stone faced quiet types can cause just as much mental and emotional distress as an out of control partner can. The flip side of a screaming, physically abusive partner is the silent selfish partner. Whether it’s never using words ... Views: 1402
When you are in an argument with your partner does he say crazy things or do you feel crazy listening to his words? Blaming, turning things back around at you, and the tit for tat game are all typical behaviors of an Abusive Husband. You may think he is trying to make you feel crazy, or that ... Views: 905
Not all Emotional Abuse is obvious. In fact, behavior that belies Emotional Abuse often starts out feeling good. Have you ever met the charmer, the smooth talker? Everything you say and do he finds adorable. Narcissists are masters of charm and sweet talk. His doting and compliments feel good. ... Views: 2741
Conflict and arguments between couples is natural, and can even strengthen an already healthy relationship. When you are dealing with a highly insecure spouse however simple problems can turn into big fights and even escalate toward Domestic Abuse. If you find that even when you are calmly ... Views: 758
Can you tell the difference between selfish behavior, innocent forgetfulness or lack of social skills and outright intentional Emotional Abuse? All people have need for social support, interaction, loving kindness and cooperation from their community. We are also responsible for our own actions ... Views: 801
In our culture it is very common to teach our children, especially girls, that putting others’ needs before our own is the key to keeping harmony. This is how a person learns Codependence.
But when you are dealing with a partner who believes it is your job to make him happy, which is a ... Views: 3020
It is not easy to tell whether or not someone has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
However, you may find many telling signs of a Narcissistic Personality Disorder when reading about its symptoms and behaviors. One of the first indicators of a person with Narcissistic Personality ... Views: 4741
All human beings endeavor to succeed in life. From career success to relationship success, most of us stumble and fumble and fail along the path of enlightenment. Sometimes it is far more difficult to understand and treat emotional and psychological suffering than it is physical illness or ... Views: 1254
Do you know a Narcissist? Have you ever wondered if maybe the emotional abuse by someone you know or even love is driven by a Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
Here is a simple Narcissism Test, a checklist of 12 behaviors that signal narcissism.
Take this test for your own ... Views: 2101
People show different faces to the world depending on the context of their relationships or their environment. It’s natural and healthy to use different parts of our personality depending on where we are and who we are interacting with. At the office, for example, we may be serious or act in ... Views: 784
Would you know a Narcissist if you met one? You will find them around your town, on the sports field, and even in your own home. You probably know many kids who you consider to be ‘bratty.’ Don’t expect their parents to do anything about their bad behavior because the brats I am talking about ... Views: 1365
People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder have two faces. Their public face and their private face; the one only the people living with them behind closed doors see. In public, the person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder may either ignore you, giving their attention to others (as if ... Views: 848
Are you in love with an emotionally abusive person? Do you know how to recognize the difference between someone who is displaying passionate or deeply felt feelings and emotional abuse?
Do they become angry when you are happy, or act happy and unconcerned when you are depressed or upset? ... Views: 2147
Remember when you were a preschooler, how, when you got upset and wanted to whine or hit someone, your parents or teachers taught you to ‘use your words, not your hands’? Well, words can also be some very powerful weapons. Verbal abuse does as much harm to a person’s self worth as physical ... Views: 781
Sometimes called "crazy making," mental abuse is when one person in a relationship tries to convince another that the other is insane, in order to hide guilt about the abuser's own wrongdoings. If the abuser is successful, and the partner really does appear to be irrational and overly emotional, ... Views: 1376
The flip side to Narcissism is Codependence. Some codependent traits include: A lack of self direction; looking for reassurance, encouragement or approval before you take on a task or set out to achieve a goal for yourself, often seeking this from people the least likely to give you this ... Views: 1937
When you were growing up were you taught that making everyone happy and ‘keeping the peace’ was more important than your own needs?
Do you put great effort into your relationship but still find you can’t please your partner or stop his cruel words, actions or even physical assaults? You may ... Views: 1018
Do you feel trapped in a marriage with a husband who undermines you, makes you feel weak rather than strong, or are you always tense or afraid whenever he is around?
You should know that divorce is not your only option and that you have more options than you realize. Understanding the cause ... Views: 1657