As of today, November 17, 2020 the political climate is very unsettled in the United States. The business owners I collaborate with in my business coaching practice in The Woodlands and Houston are moving forward. But for each it is different. Some are striding forward with confidence and a “we shall overcome” attitude. Others are moving forward with less certainty. In Texas, where I live and work, the economic situation because of the pandemic has been hurtful but overall, we are doing well.

The question is, depending on who wins the election, what are the policies regarding COVID 19 and the economy moving forward. In Texas, with a great emphasis on oil and gas there is a great deal of uncertainty. Millions of lives and livelihoods could be affected over the next few years. Employers and employees feel unsettled.

And the business owners who are not in oil and gas feel unsettled, too. One thing has become clear during the response to the pandemic is how interrelated all aspects of our economy are. We are all in the storm together. Each of our boats is on its journey to get to a safe harbor. Which boats will make it? This is unsettling. Maybe your boat is doing fine at the moment. But, another boat, another business which is integral to the success of yours is beginning to flounder. What does this mean for you? Who knows?

With this unsettled landscape all you can do is focus on the present. Why? We have no idea what the future holds. The fundamental reason for this is that we do not know if the election we had for President was honest or dishonest. If there is an honest outcome that we can believe in that is fine. But if the outcome is through the channels of dishonesty then we are in for continuous turmoil. Without honest elections, our form of government is no longer of the people, by the people and for the people. It is now of the few, by the few and for the few whose desire is for power while mouthing platitudes that it is good for the people.

Dishonesty and cheating never lead to good things in relationships, business, and life. In our human makeup there is no person who feels good when they discover they are the victim of dishonesty and cheating. Honesty and trust are the foundation for a good business climate and good relationships. They are the foundation for a good government, a civil, peaceful society and the continuous birthing of opportunities that allow all of us to create pathways to advance and improve.

Without honesty and trust bad things happen and society morphs into a tool to benefit the few instead of a force to benefit all. Hopefully, we will get an honest accounting of the Presidential election. But until we do, things will be unsettled.

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Author's Bio: 

As of today, November 17, 2020 the political climate is very unsettled in the United States. The business owners I collaborate with in my business coaching practice in The Woodlands and Houston are moving forward. But for each it is different. Some are striding forward with confidence and a “we shall overcome” attitude.