We often hear the same questions: Why am I not getting a good signal? What should I do to improve image quality? What are the advantages and disadvantages of installing a television antenna or another? And along with etcetera…

This blog provides you with all the information you need to answer these questions. It doesn't matter if you are looking for help to install an indoor or outdoor television antenna, in this space, all your doubts will be covered. We can even help you enjoy new channels at no cost, thanks to the installation of a digital antenna. When you finish reading this blog, you will have become an expert in the installation of television antennas.

Location, location, location ...
There are three types of television antennas to choose from: indoor, for a loft or for outdoor. All are installed differently, each with its pros and cons. We recommend that you choose the television antenna that best suits you depending on your location. Opt for an interior if you live near a transmitter in an area with a good signal. If you are located in a place where the signal is weak, then choose an outdoor or loft antenna.

A quick guide on how to do it

If time is of the essence for you, don't waste it and watch our 60-second video on how to install a television antenna. This guide shows you the easiest and most effective way to install an antenna, including how to tune channels (although later we will also explain it in this blog).

Install an indoor television antenna

This is the easiest way to install a television antenna since you only have to plug the coaxial cable of the TV into the antenna and place it in a nearby place. If the image is still not clear, you can move the antenna to a place near a window. It is best to maintain a direct line with the transmitter, so do not obstruct this field by placing metal objects that stand between them. If the image still does not look perfectly, try placing the antenna as high as possible, so that you get a better signal and rotate it until the image is clear. Always remember that you have to re-tune the channels every time you replace the antenna.

Complete the installation of the television antenna in three simple steps
Once you have placed the antenna in the correct position, proceed to tune the channels to finish the installation. In three simple steps, you will already be watching your favorite shows with the highest quality and sharpness. We explain how:

Step 1:
Press 'MENU' on your remote control (it can be both the remote control of your TV and that of your decoder, use the one you use to change the channels).

Step 2:
Select 'SET UP' or 'INSTALL' on the menu. If you do not find the option, look in the instruction manual for specific steps to tune.

Step 3:
Choose 'ANTENA', then 'TUNE CHANNELS' or 'CHANNEL SCAN' or 'AUTO TUNE'. Your TV will automatically re-tune the available channels. The process can take a few minutes. Once completed, all channels will already be tuned. Don't forget to re-tune each time you move the antenna.

Author's Bio: 

Hasan Root, a dream lover!