As an online marketer, you should strive to deliver value to readers on your blog, on social networks, via your email newsletter and more. It may look like a lot of writing to keep up with, but it does not have to be. Here are my top 10 ways to repurpose content that you only have to write once. These ideas assume that you started with an article first.
1) Submit to article directories This is called article marketing and it is one of the most solid ways to get free traffic to your website or blog and build credibility. This is always my starting point for new content.
2) Create Tweets Take the key points from your article and post on Twitter with a link back to your article. It’s a way to add value by providing tips to your followers using 140 characters or less. If they want the expanded version, your article, they can click on your link.
3) Publish in Your Ezine If you are serious about online marketing you should be publishing an ezine and its just natural to use your published content in each issue. Remember your list may not necessarily subscribe to your blog updates or follow your article directory updates. So you need to make sure you to tell them about your articles in the ezine.
4) Create Videos Video marketing is another viable traffic generating method. Its easy to create videos from your article. You can use a screen capture software and show bullet points of your articles in a PowerPoint presentation while you narrate and expand on each point. There are paid screen capture software tools like Camtasia Studio. There are also free ones which just as much functionality as Camtasia like Jing Project and Freez Screen Video Capture
5) Create blog posts This is self explanatory and probably should have been at the top of your list.
6) Create a Squidoo Lens Great publishing platform to share information on your area of expertise, build credibility, gain a following, get traffic and more.
7) Create Audio files You can use your content to create mp3 audios as giveaways as part of an information product and use in podcasts.
8) Create e-books or reports Expand on your content to create an e-book or report. Or compile a list of articles on the same topic to make an e-book.
9) Create teleseminars Again, you can expand on the content of your article to create a teleseminar with detailed examples, resources and more.
10) Rewrite as Newspaper Articles Tweak and recreate your article for newspaper or magazine submission in your niche. Of course, this helps to build your credibility in a big way. Don’t forget to update your bio once you get published with credit for being published in newspapers and magazines.
I now invite you to pick up my FREE report called 5 Simple Online Business Ideas you can implement right now to supplement or replace your income at
Stephanie Treasure is an Entrepreneur and Marketing Consultant with a passion for Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Personal Development and helping people. She is also a featured contributor in the Ebook 77 Success Traits (2009, Determine Your First Major Milestone) by Mark Foo.
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