There are two kinds of pushing…

Two kinds of action taking…

And you need to know which one you are doing…

Is your pushing making you feel exhilarated as you realise just how powerful you are?

Is your pushing, your hustling the result of a desire for an awesome life for you and your family?

Does it overall feel good?

Yes, then great carry right on…

In fact, stop wasting time reading this, get to work!


Is it killing you to work this hard?

Are you ignoring your family as you work this hard?

Does it feel like you have a demon on your shoulder making you push yourself harder and harder as you try to escape the negative whispers of that slave-driving critic…

Are you avoiding something as you push and push and push?

You tell yourself that you must work this hard but really, it is a distraction…

A distraction from the pain that your life is filled with…

The pain you do not want to look at…

The guilt about something you did…

Or shame about something done to you…

And so you bury yourself in your work with a ferociousness that literally KILLS you.

You care nothing for your health, your children, your partner…

Well, no, you care deeply…

But you feel so guilty that you refuse to let yourself take a break…

And you even resent them asking you to stop because you feel they should pat you on the back and acknowledge you for the work you are doing for them…

But they see that there is something wrong with this picture…

They feel the guilt that drives you…

But you do not see it…


Because then you would have to face those inner demons…

And you are scared…

Scared of what you might see if you look too deeply!

So, instead, you work yourself into the grave.

Hoping to atone for the shame and guilt you feel about what was done to you or by you!


You must forgive yourself before you kill yourself!

This kind of hustle leads nowhere good and gets you nowhere because you cannot run fast enough to escape the internal nonsense that drives you. It dogs your every action, drives you to work to death as you try to avoid it, to drown out the fear, guilt, shame…

There is NOW NO condemnation from your higher power…

You do not have to keep punishing yourself in this manner…

You can have peace of mind!

But it starts by forgiving yourself.

Realise you did the best you knew to do at the time of this incident or incidents that drive you.

Let it go!

You currently are in hell – a self-imposed hell and this punishment does not fit the crime.

It benefits no one for you to kill yourself off with work because you are ashamed of your past and feel that really, you do not deserve to be alive.


Who you are today, is not who you were back then…

You are changed, literally and right now, you punish a different person – Not the person who you were because that person is dead.  You have been living out of a past memory and it is time for you to forgive yourself and LIVE!

You are working so hard and deliberately repelling money as well…

Because how can someone as bad as you think you are, allow yourself to create wealth?!

No, you will do whatever you can to lose that money as soon as you make it…

Or you will keep working at tasks that will never ever get you the money in the first place…

Or you will be surrounded by money, admired by all and yet STILL driven to escape a memory of the evil person you think you are.

Whatever option you choose, you are unhappy.

Your health is deteriorating…

And you are NOT doing the work you are on this planet to do…

You are not changing the lives you are called to change…

You are stuck, trapped and slowly using up all your life force.

And enough is enough!

Leader, you must heal!

You are judge, jury, executioner of yourself and IT IS ENOUGH!

You are loved right now and you are not condemned by anyone.  Let me help you forgive yourself and live a full, wholesome life…

One full of work that fulfills you rather than kills you…

One full of love and happiness

One full of the money you desire – But this time, you will live abundantly with it rather than be getting rid of it almost as fast as you can make it!

One where you are intimately connected to your higher power instead of trying to appease and/or run from source.

Take off the baggage…

Let the burden go…

You are loved…

You are forgiven…

Today is a great day to move forward in peace.

Work with me for one 6 hour day, to find release, healing, peace and the power to move forward into a FREE, RICH, FULFILLED life – Apply now at

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live

PS – I put together an exit plan for you – completely free.  Move away from an unfulfilling life towards a life of freedom, abundance and fulfilment with your own online business  – Download it here at


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And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online