When it comes to determining divorce cases, there are three major players in the process: divorce lawyers, your spouse’s attorney, and the judge. Your attorney is there to advocate for your interests while your spouse’s attorney will be taking care of his or her interests. The judge will always base his rulings on what they feel are the best interest of the children. There are a number of issues that judges consider when dealing with child custody cases. One of the most important factors that most people always tend to overlook is what is called precedent.

Precedent in regards to child custody cases refers to and individual’s track record as a parent; when you are arguing the child custody case in front of a judge, you need to remember that if you have a strong track record in parenting issues there will be high chances that you will be granted primary custody of the children. On the contrary, if your track record as a parent is weak, you could as well desist from arguing child custody cases because there are very slim chances that the judge will give you in due consideration. If you are wondering what factors are important in child custody cases that the judge may consider, think about the following three factors:

Gainful employment: From the perspective of the judge, gainful employment doesn’t really mean that you have to have an MBA or be a member of an executive board somewhere. This simply means that you have a stable source of income and that you can comfortably provide for yourself and the children.

Relationship with family and friends: Judges handling child custody cases normally assume that it takes a community to raise a child. If you are able to show the judge that you can relate well with friends and family members who love locally, you will be showing the judge that the children will enjoy a better life living with you.

Live with the children: When you argue before a judge who is experienced in dealing with child custody cases during the trial, it is important if you are able to tell the judge that the children have been primarily living with you since the separation with your spouse. The judges usually assume that because the children have been living with you for all the time, there are chances that you and them have already developed a daily routine. Additionally, the judge will also assume that it will be in the best interest of the children that they are not uprooted from their daily routine. While these three factors are not an exclusive list of what judges consider during child custody cases, they give you a rough idea of what factors you need to educate yourself on.

Author's Bio: 

This article is penned by Lora Davis for Fort Worth based family law practice Schreier & Housewirth who are expert divorce attorneys. The law firm Schreier & Housewirth is owned and operated by Greg Housewirth and Holly J. Schreier both who are custody attorneys by professional and have been helping the people of Fort Worth & Dallas withchild custody cases for the last 25 years.