You are waking up depressed…
Going to bed depressed…
Wondering when your breakthrough is coming…
Wondering when it will be your turn…
Wondering how long you have to be strong for…
When things will get easier…
When life will seem more fun…
When the heavens will open and throw lots of money at you…
“What do I have to do to make all this work?” You ask…
You see other people just getting on with life…
Some resigned to never getting what they want…
Others getting everything so easily that you are pretty damn jealous of them…
And you almost wish to be a norm, settling for nothing much and being happy with it…
And at other times, you lurk and compare yourself to this or that other successful person…
Whichever way, you are not comfortable being you, right now…
You want something else…
Anything else…
Just not this life of yours that feels so tough at the moment!
And honey, I see you…
Torn between the big vision in your head…
And the pain of being here in this limbo land where nothing is working the way you desire that it would…
And you are searching for answers…
Why is this not working?
You look both internally, digging into every drama from the past, trying to release every stronghold on your life…
You are spiritual type and so there is a lot of digging to do…
You keep thinking that the answer is just around the next emotional discovery…
You pray, you seek, you journal…
Looking deep within for answers but nothing is there…
and while you do that, you also lurk and watch every ‘successful’ person you see out there…
This wonderful day of social media means you can easily find lots of peeps to analyse…
And you get caught up trying to spot the difference between them and you…
Why do they seem to win so easily when you struggle so much, you wonder…
And so you dig and search and copy and wonder some more…
And neither of these approaches has ever gotten you anywhere…
But you think that maybe this time it will…
You just did not search long and hard enough…
And so time goes on, as you do this futile work…
You feel so busy…
Yes, honey, it is a waste of time…
An utter waste of time!
There is no answer found externally or internally…
Sorry but not sorry…
I know the gurus told you to stop looking outside of yourself for answers and so you took that to mean you should keep digging for the internal breakthrough…
But that ain’t working either, is it?
There is always something else, isn’t there?
Can I just point something out?
You used to work for someone else, right?
Maybe, you still do as you wait for your business breakthrough…
And you were fairly successful at your work, right?
Was that because you spent aeons navel gazing trying to figure out how to be good at your job?
Or was it simply because you did what was required of you?
You went to college…
Or on-the-job training…
You got your piece of paper to say you are qualified…
You believed you were…
And you did the work each and every day…
Like a robot, you turned up and you did the work…
And because you felt safe in that environment, you even allowed yourself to come up with some good, creative ideas…
And you implemented those with no thought about money because you knew that your salary was coming…
And so you allowed your creativity to flourish without all this fear and angst…
And then you got promoted or received accolades in some way…
And it was all simple and straightforward…
Turn up…
Do the work…
Maybe even do a little more…
Get paid…
But now, in your business, you think that THINKING is going to get you results…
Money is made when you serve someone…
Service means hard work…
Real hard work…
Not the hard thinking work…
It may feel like a hard day when you are thinking, thinking, thinking but is it really?
Actually see how much real, physical work you have done each day to grow your business…
If you had an employee doing what you did, would you be happy to pay them?
Be honest, honey!
ONE THING – DO THE WORK for 30 days and see where that takes you…
Communicate with your people…
Capture them onto a mailing list…
Make compelling offers
Will you do this every day?
Not in a half-arsed kinda way…
But really commit to serving more people…
With all your energy?
OK, do it…
And then you win.
Simple, right?!
Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…
Because you want to.
PS – Not quite sure how it all works to grow your business then work with me in the Deliberate Millionaire Fast track Club ( Get the sales and marketing training delivered to your inbox as well as mindset stuff. Come into the online group on Facebook and get your questions answered so that you are moving forward and making money, impacting more people.
Everything you need to grow that business is in the DM fast track group…
And you can be a part today for a half price trial month…
Come experience the power of the group for one month at half the regular price…
Your vision is your permission and it is time you started to live out the goals that have plagued you for a long, long time… Lets make them real –
And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.
Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online
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