The Law of Attraction tells us that “like attracts like”. Have you noticed that people who like each other hang out together? When you operate from the attitude of gratitude you resonate and send out a frequency of acceptance and harmony, and as a result you attract to you the events, conditions, and circumstances that match that frequency.

However when you choose to resist or fight whatever you find not to your liking you are creating resistance. This is how you resist, by focusing on thoughts and emotions that may go like this “why is this happening to me?” “Life is not fair” “It’s not my fault”, etc. Resistance is placing your focus on what you would rather not have happening to you at this moment.

As you resonate with that frequency you will continue to attract those events, circumstances and dis- harmonious events into your life. The Law of Attraction makes it clear that you will literally attract to yourself, the things that your thoughts are focused on.

Gratitude or being grateful for what you have on the other hand is an acceptance of things just the way they are which correlates with acceptance. This in turn resonates and sends out a much different resonance of energy creating a magnetic force that is conducive to attracting the “desired” outcome.

The first step is to deal with the thoughts and the emotions that have surfaced up for you that are causing you to be worried, anxious, fearful, guilty etc. They are not bad nor are they good. They just are, as a result of your beliefs and perceptions about life. This is what you are feeling at this moment. So own, acknowledge them, observe them and release them. Then remind yourself that you are at this moment truly abundant.

The next step is to change your frame of reference with positive words and affirmations on a daily basis, and taking some time to feel grateful for all the things that you have. You can begin by being grateful for having a roof over your head, food on the table, clothes on your back. “Count your blessings instead of sheep” as the song says.

Let`s look at how developing the consistent attitude of gratitude which will execute the Law of Attraction on your behalf. Everything in its purest form in the universe is pure energy. Your thoughts, feelings and emotions that you are broadcasting determines your vibrational frequency which attracts to you exactly what you want to manifest into your life.

For the purpose of this illustration consider that you are a powerful magnet and whatever you may be feeling- frustration, anger, rejection, love, compassion or joy, you are in reality drawing to you the conditions that you are experiencing. If for instance you fear something, that creates an attractive force that will draw to you more of what you fear.

When you express gratitude for whatever situation that you are facing, trusting that everything happens for a reason, and that reason is there to serve you, that draws to you more of what you are grateful for. This means that whenever you are not expressing gratitude for an outcome, you are actually in resistance, because it causes you to focus on not wanting that outcome. When you are not expressing gratitude your thoughts and emotions are focused on what you don’t want, which draws more of what you don’t want.

When you are experiencing a situation that is not to your liking it may not be that easy to feel grateful for that situation. However you do have a choice. So begin by releasing or letting go of those emotions that are not serving you. That will bring you to a neutral state which allows you to make a shift in your paradigm, and does bring you to a place of choice. Now it is easier to give heartfelt thanks for “what is”.

Surrendering and being grateful for gets you out of the way, creating a magnetic force that is essential to attracting the desired outcome.

Tags:Brenda Blindenbach, the attitude of gratitude, grateful for, law of attraction, count your blessings

Author's Bio: 

Brenda Blindenbach the Possibilities DNA Expert enables you to shift limiting conscious and subconscious beliefs. Claim your free bi-weekly newsletter & access to the audio file "Do You Understand The Laws Of The Universe" by visiting our website & blog at