I was at the city permit department Tuesday, not where you expect to find excellent customer service, but I did. So, I took a moment to get the name of his supervisor and send his supervisor a note expressing my appreciation for his employee’s excellent service. Not only do people like others who show kindness, you know, when I take a couple of minutes to write a quick note, it makes me feel happy too. Studies show that expressions of gratitude have “significant and consistent improvements on our worldview…and on achieving optimal psychological functioning.” *
When the opportunity presents itself consider a sincere letter of appreciation. It’ll make you feel good!

Five Tips to Writing / Showing Your Appreciation:

1. Write it soon after your experience.

2. Be sincere, concise and specific about why you are writing. Giving the full name, if possible, of who you are writing about.

3. Address your appreciation letter to a specific manager. You wouldn’t want the letter to get lost in the shuffle of “who would this go to?”

4. A handwritten card always carries more weight on the sincerity meter than an email. I like the Send Out Card system. Although it’s not really handwritten, it looks like it…

5. Write a simple close, no need to get too flowery…

Author's Bio: 

Learn to Inspire, Influence and Get Real Results! There is no better way to market your business and services then telling people what you do… Sharon Sayler, MBA, helps leaders, executives, and business owners inspire employees, grow companies and increase their sales by teaching them to become powerful and influential communicators. Visit www.sharonsayler.com for more great ideas and free white papers.

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