In 2004 I was given the gift of being taught how to do Akashic Record readings. To me the Akashic Records are the blueprint of your life. Who you are, why you are here, and what you are meant to be doing in your life. The way that I access the energy of the Records is through the use of a Sacred Prayer. This prayer brings you into alignment with the energy of the Records, and the use of the name of the person that you are reading for, brings you right to their Record.
Other names for the Akashic Records are, the Universal Mind, Book of Life , Hall of Records, Book of Remembrance, The Harmonic Matrix, and the Collective Consciousness, (Star Trek anyone!) Reference to the Akashic Records can be found in folklore and myth, and throughout the old and new testaments. It is traceable as far back as the Semitic peoples and includes the Arabs, the Assyrians, the Phoenicians, the Babylonians, and the Hebrews. The term Akasha comes from the 5,000 year old Sanskrit language which means “hidden library.” Akashic is the plural of this word.
Edgar Cayce (1877 to 1945)
To Edgar Cayce the records were a Library with no walls or ceiling. Mr. Cayce was able to go to into a sleep-like trance and access the Akashic Records. He was able to take the book off the shelf pertaining to the client he was working on, and he was able to find in their book a cure for the ailment that the person had. His readings were so exact that he would be shown the Pharmacy, the shelf the herb and exactly how to use it to cure the disease or ailment of the client before him. Even after repeated attempts to find a particular item in a pharmacy, Mr. Cayce would go back to the records to get more specific information, until the bottle was finally found on the shelf where he indicated it would be, behind some other bottles.
How many of you believe in reincarnation? The theory is that you wrote the script before you came here. You chose your parents, your brothers, sisters, etc. You chose the man you were going to marry, the children you would have. You chose the people, who would come into your life to enhance it, perhaps re-direct your path, or cause you much heartache and pain. People and events were written into this script to help you learn the lessons that you needed to learn this time around. At the end of your life when you get to the other side you experience something called ‘Life Review.’ During this life review, you with the assistance of the board look at areas of your life that you were supposed to be working on while in this physical body. The purpose of the life review is to see how true you stayed to the blueprint that you, with the assistance of the board put together before incarnating into this life. By the way according to Sylvia Browne the famous Psychic; you can bookmark special moments in your life so that you can re- experience them during the LIFE REVIEW? So it is not all about what you did, not do, or achieve in your life.
The Mayans talk about the umbilical cord of the universe. These threads or fibers are the same as the luminous threads extending from the solar plexus described by the shaman Don Juan in Carlos Castaneda’s books. These fibers act as a pathway for resonant vibrational frequencies both within the known and the unknown electromagnetic fields. These signals are so powerful that they have to be stepped down through what the Mayan call lenses. This is because we as humans have not yet reached our full potential. These lenses focus the energy from one star system to another. The first lens is imprinted with the common pool of galactic information, or the ‘Web of Life,’ the ‘Harmonic Matrix,’ the collective consciousness, and unconsciousness of all life. This energy is stepped down through these lenses from star systems to planets to the earth, then eventually through our bodies through our chakras. When people’s luminous threads – the shamanic equivalent of the pranic pathways and chakras – are intentionally opened and aligned, another lens activates, this opens us up to this universal consciousness. The Mayans referred to this as the ‘Mat of Time.’ They believed that they could travel this mat on light moving from past, to present, to future.
How many of you believe that time is linear? What if time is not linear but, simultaneous? What if we are living the past present and future all at once? An example of this is would be the synchronicities we experience or the feeling of Déjà Vu. The Maya believe that two or more events in a number of people’s lives converge and knot together on the threads of time – exactly what the shamans call portents or omens. It makes you wonder, just who is tying the threads? What cosmic force is at work to make us aware of synchronicities? Who or what are the weavers?
In a reading I may view your records, or the script in the form of a book, a photo album, a video tape, or DVD. It does not matter. What matters is the information that is held inside. Once when doing a reading I received a red race car for the client. This particular client was quite high strung, and was constantly moving. The message from the red race car was for her to find ways to slow down.
I allow about an hour and a half in person to do a reading. Or, I can do a reading over the telephone. There is an email package that I send out to new clients in advance that contains information about what the records are, how to prepare for the reading, a list of suggested questions, and a consent form that must be signed before the reading. To be able to access the information in the Records on behalf of a client is a sacred trust, and to be honored as such. A reading is NEVER done without permission.
The better prepared the client is with questions before the reading; the better the information will be, coming from the Records. You are the director. I simply retrieve the information for you. I am also authorized to teach others to be able to read their own records.
Some people and psychics are able to access the Akashic Records without any training at all. This is not uncommon. Some of you may have accessed the Records and been able to see your book, only to discover that you are not ready yet to see what is held within the books pages. When you are ready the information will be revealed to you. In the meantime this is where I come in, working on your behalf.
As you can see there are many ways of interpreting the Akashic Records. When you are in the energy of the Records you can ask questions, or you can just sit in the energy. I call the Akashic Records my internal guidance system.
Irma Haggith is a certified Akashic Record Reader and Teacher.
You may contact her at 905-897-1335 or
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