Hair loss is typically associated with aging so it can be questionable, shocking or even traumatizing when it happens prematurely in young men and women. According to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, early onset of hair loss can occur in people as young as 15 years of age.

While hair loss at a young age can adversely impact one’s self-esteem, even for those who do not consider themselves vain, there are hair loss treatment options that you can choose from. But first, you need to determine the cause of your hair loss problem in order for you to decide on the right hair loss treatment for you.


Determining the Causes of Hair Loss

There are tons of myths surrounding what causes hair loss such as inheriting it from one’s mother’s side, wearing a hat, and so much more. Keep in mind that these myths have no factual basis. As soon as you recognize the symptoms of baldness such as thinning hair, a receding hairline, loss of hair at the crown of your head, and a progression of hair loss, consult a doctor who can diagnose the root cause of your hair loss problem.


It's in Your Genes

Photo Courtesy of Dani Vázquez via Flickr, Creative Commons

Heredity is the leading cause of hair loss in young people, with 80 million men and women affected with hereditary-related hair loss, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. A good indicator is the age when your parents started losing hair. If your hair loss comes in patches, it could be a case of alopecia areata, which is a hereditary autoimmune disease wherein one’s immune system is too active that it attacks even its own cells.


Hormonal Changes in Males and Females

The male hormone testosterone produces dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes pattern baldness in males by cutting off the nutrients that are needed for hair follicles to grow. On the other hand, pattern hair loss can occur in females who, after pregnancy, experience a sudden drop in estrogen. In this case, females usually just have to wait a few months for their hair growth to go back to normal.


Serious Health Problems

Hair loss can also be triggered by serious medical conditions such as anemia, lupus, thyroid disease, ringworm, and others. If you are suffering from an illness, your medications could also be behind your hair loss.

Since hair follicles thrive on nutrients from the body, hair loss can happen when an individual suffers from an unhealthy eating habit or disorder, resulting in a significant nutritional deficiency.

In other cases, physical conditions such as inflammation and scarring can hinder hair growth. It should be noted, too, that severe emotional trauma or stress can also bring about hair loss, which is often temporary.


Unhealthy Hair Care Habits

A reason why you should do everything in moderation: excessive shampooing, brushing, and salon treatments subject your hair to unhealthy levels of chemicals and pressure. Hair elastic bands that are tied too tightly can also cause the hairline to recede.


Deciding on the Right Hair Loss Treatment

Photo Courtesy of Daniel Lee via Flickr, Creative Commons

Once you establish the cause of your hair loss problem, know how to select the right hair loss treatment depending on your lifestyle, resources, and most importantly, the severity of your hair loss.


Concealing Bald Spots

If you still have a considerable volume of hair, opt for hairstyles that strategically cover bald spots such as military style cuts or textured crop cuts. However, for those who are shedding more hair, you may want to use a wig that has the same appearance as your natural hair color and texture.


Using Topical and Oral Medications

These medications slow down hair loss while stimulating hair growth. Regrowing your hair through this route will take some months before you can start seeing the results. One popular hair restoration medication is minoxidil. Applied to the scalp, this topical medication stimulates the hair follicles. Although results can be seen in as early as four months, you still need to continue using this as your hair follicles will go back to the way they were. You also need to consider well its possible side effects, which include weight gain, bloating, palpitation, chest pain, and breathing difficulties.

Another well-known medication is finasteride, an oral prescription that works by inhibiting the production of hormones responsible for hair loss such as DHT. As with minoxidil, you need to keep on using this product to prevent hair loss from coming back. Finasteride also has possible side effects. Some of these are itching, rashes or hives, breast tenderness and growth, and swelling of the face. Males can also experience testicular pain, difficulty in ejaculating and getting erections, and loss of libido in general.

If you experience side effects from using these medications, see your doctor immediately. You also need to ask your doctor if you want to combine minoxidil and finasteride for better results.


Undergoing A Hair Transplant

For those who want the best and fastest results without keeping up with maintenance and experiencing possible side effects, consider getting a hair transplant. This surgical procedure transplants hair follicles with normal hair growth into your bald patches. The parts of your scalp where the hair follicles were taken from will grow back hair along with the bald areas that received the transplants. While hair transplant is the most costly hair loss treatment in this list, the results are fast and permanent. Also, this is a natural hair loss solution since the procedure will use your own hair.

However, as with any other procedures, it is crucial that you set realistic expectations and weigh the risks involved. In this light, you need to be careful in selecting the right hair restoration doctor as this procedure will dramatically change your appearance.


Choosing What is Best for You

Photo Courtesy of J.K. Califf via Flickr, Creative Commons

Take your time in doing your own research so you can better assess pros and cons of each hair loss treatment according to your circumstances. Again, get to the root cause of your hair loss problem first so you can start your way to a fuller head of hair.

Author's Bio: 

Anna Rodriguez is a manager and a passionate writer. She also has varied background in real estate brokerage, investing, online marketing and social media management. She owns Homey Guide Blog. Follow her at @annrodriguez021