I had another very good demonstration recently of how the Universe rewards us for our trust and belief that we are always looked after and our needs are always met.

The past couple of months have been a time of renewal for me. My life as I knew it has changed out of all recognition, but it’s a good change. It wasn’t an easy process. I am not going to try to fool anyone that it was….I was kicked all over the place mentally, emotionally and at times physically. LOL

However, I was determined that no matter how dark things appeared to be, I would hold the belief that chaos always precedes positive change, and so often that change that we fear so much pushes us into something far better.

In the space of four short months, I went from having a steady full time job, a loving relationship and friend of 40 years, a cosy little home, excellent health, and a nice little savings account….to losing all of those things!

All my security blankets were ripped off and I was left shivering and wondering what the heck else could happen!

I had a choice - I could wallow in self-pity or I could “choose” to accept what was happening and not resist, just go with the flow and see where this river of life would take me. I literally learned to live from moment to moment, trusting that what I needed would be provided – as I needed it.

I kept repeating this little mantra to myself, especially when I felt that horrid little spiral of fear building in my tummy: “I trust the process of life, all is well in my world”.

I recognised this as a great opportunity for self-growth, for testing and living what I teach – really walking the talk. It’s no good just telling people about the Universal Laws, you have to live by them. So that’s what I chose to do.

I realised that although I was learning about loss, grieving, letting go and trusting, another aspect of the lesson was also about “sharing”. So I shared whatever I had. Even when I felt emotionally drained, there was always an opportunity to share a smile, a hug, a kind word with someone who needed it – it made me feel a bit lighter and reminded me that everyone has something they are dealing with.

The more I shared, the quicker things seemed to begin to change in positive ways. Then there was the BIG test….money.

I had enough to cover the main essentials for another couple of weeks, but no more than that….so I prayed for guidance and for wisdom as to how I could turn this around. I kept getting the message – share, share, keep the energy of money flowing! So I did.

I didn’t waste, but I didn’t hoard in fear either. I gave what I had with love, and gratitude that I was able to share what little I had with others. Everything changed the day that I went to the local open air market to buy veggies. I got back to my car and found I had no small change to give the car guard. All I had left was two twenty Rand notes in my purse. I gave him one of them.

I just gave and said a small prayer of thanks that I was able to give to this man who probably needed it even more than me. His surprised smile was lovely to see. I drove home and forgot about the money…just let it go.

The next day – it was like the Universal purse had opened and began showering me with abundance. By the end of the week, I had manifested enough money to take away all my fear about how I would survive in the coming months. My trust and belief were rewarded in ways I could never have imagined. LOL

So the moral of this story seems to be – keep the energy which is money flowing, don’t hoard in fear!
When you give to others, you help them manifest their dreams, and in turn the Universe will help you manifest your own dreams.

All is perfect and so it is.

Author's Bio: 

Linney Elder is the author of “Infinitely Possible – A Cancer Odyssey”, a freelance researcher and writer, Reiki Master Teacher, intuitive healer and perennial student of life. Join her on this magical journey of self-discovery - read more insights and related subjects on her website: www.infinitely-possible.com This article was originally published on my website. © Copyright 2011 - Linney Elder. All Rights reserved.