Can you complete this sentence —

“Money is the root of all –”

Of course you can.

“Evil” is what comes to mind.

But why?

IS money evil?

Many spiritual people think money is bad. They judge wealthy people as material.

Does that sound spiritual to you?

IS money bad?

ARE wealthy people material?

First, I’ve taught for a long time that the material is the hard form of the spiritual. Think about it. If money, cars, homes, etc are not spiritual (or at least also spiritual), then what is?

I had a spiritual teacher decades ago who told me, “As soon as you see God in the very thing you condemn, fear or judge, in that moment you will awaken.”

For me, money is simply a tool.

Recently I used it to attract a new car, but I also used it to give funds to build a school in Taiwan, fix a hospital in Mexico, help a young man who just graduated, help another friend with the IRS, fund a movement to end homelessness, and help fund a shelter for domestic help.

Money let me do all that.

Doesn’t sound bad or evil, does it?

When you feel money is evil, or rich people are bad, you have closed off your heart, disconnected with the Divine flow, and become very un-spiritual.

You also un-attract money.

As I explain in my book, Attract Money Now, the actual Biblical quote is, “The love of money is the root of all evil.”

And if you look deeper, you’ll see most wealthy (certainly not all) people respect money but don’t love it. They appreciate it. They utilize it. They leverage it.

What they actually love is freedom, and money helps give that.

Our purpose in life is to awaken. To do that, we have to drop judgments about everything we fear — including money.
When you can say, “Money is the root of all spirituality,” you will begin to understand true spirituality.

In fact, a spiritual teacher I admire (Arnold Patent) said, “The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation.”

I love that quote.

“The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation.”

“The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation.”
I can’t stop saying it.

In fact, it should probably be written as, “The soul purpose of money is to express appreciation.”

Decades ago one of my first prosperity teachers was Bobby Birdsall. I dedicated Attract Money Now to him. He told me that when I saw a rich person ride around in a Rolls-Royce, I should bless that person.

Bless a rich person?

I was struggling at the time and didn’t see how blessing some rich jerk was going to help me pay my bills.

But Bobby was right. So is Arnold Patent. The more I practiced unconditional love, and appreciation for things I previously may have judged negatively, the more I cleared up my own issues with money.

And the more money I began to attract.

Today I’m the guy in the Rolls (or the Spyker, BMW, Jag, or Panoz) and people like you are being inspired and blessing me with appreciation.


Appreciation helps point you in the direction of understanding money as a tool for good – a spiritual tool, at that. To help you understand this new mindset about money, you might want to check out The Secret to Attracting Money at
The Secret to Attracting Money is a spiritual and practical system for bringing in cash — cash that you can use to help yourself, your family, and the world.

* I reveal new clearing methods for money.

* I explain new marketing methods. (Based on love and passion.)

* I deliver new insights about money and you. (These are eye-opening.)

* I talk about the Law of Attraction but also reveal the Law of Right Action. (Important!)

* I also created a wealth assessment quiz to help you understand your own hidden beliefs about money. It reveals your “Money Attractor IQ.”

* I even explain a paint-by-the-numbers approach to making money online that anyone (yes that means you, too) can use.
* I also teach you a way to “rewrite your past” so you can create a profitable future. (Whew!)

* I also explain the money myths holding you back — 9 ways to attract money — the best reason in the world to want money — how to determine your life’s purpose — the 7 principles for turning on your money magnet right now — my counter-intuitive way for attracting cash — my personal time management system — AND the list just goes on and on.

This is all very different than my book, Attract Money Now. It supplements it, while going way beyond the book.

The Secret to Attracting Money is organized into six strategy-packed sessions that will lead you through my foolproof process for attracting money. It all begins with your mindset.

If you’re dealing with money issues, or just ready to make peace with it so you realize money is a spiritual tool to do good things, please look into my book or my audio course.
Remember, “Money is the root of all spirituality.”

And, “The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation.”

Money is good.

Money is love.

Money is spirit.

Money is gratitude in action.

Go forth and express some appreciation.

PS – Of course, you can also dig deeper into how to attract money with Miracles Coaching.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Joe Vitale is the star of the hit movie, "The Secret." He is also the author of way too many bestselling books to mention here. To name a few: The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits and his latest, Attract Money Now. He's also recorded many Nightingale Conant audio programs, and most recently, "The Abundance Paradigm." He also created a Miracles Coaching program and much more! For more information on Joe Vitale, go to: